First Wounds

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Did you feel that, Morty?

Feel what? The huge ass lizard digging into my skin? Obviously.

But do you remember exactly how it felt? The texture of the dagger-like claws blazing through your spine like flames over dry grass. The feeling of pain blooming from torn tissue and muscle. Do you remember?

Yeah I got it, okay? Why are you asking me this? I don't know who you are or why you're talking to me.

This isn't a conversation, Morty. This is to re-jog your remembrance of what it felt like. Do you recall how it truly felt, or how it seemed on the outside?

Yes? I don't understand.

Do you recall that one specific feeling you had during the process?

Morty was asleep, or at least unconscious as it seemed. He didn't have a body and the void was the only thing visible, and a voice that seemed so close to his own was echoing around him. He felt his brows furrow at the question despite not existing.

The last thing Morty could think back to was being sprawled out in the dirt and getting his back sliced up. It was immensely painful at first but significantly dulled as his conscience slipped away. He couldn't remember any other feeling besides horrific agony.

I honestly have no clue what you're t-trying to say.

It was silent for a moment.

Not at all?

He tried thinking again but came up without an answer.

No. Justー just tell me what you're talking about.

Silence again.

You were satisfied with the pain. It felt blissful, didn't it?

If Morty had eyes, they most definitely would have widened to the size of saucers.

What?! What the hell are you saying?

Figuring by your defensive response, we are correct, aren't we?

A memory stabbed his membrane like a blade.

He narrowed his eyes at the pits' entrance as hot breath singed his neck, the creature now having to be hovering over him. His subconscious felt giddy as the harsh cuts scored across his back began to feel good with pain. He didn't know why it turned from agonizing to pleasurably comforting as the puffs of air from the lizard poured over him, but he halfheartedly grinned at himself.

Morty scoffed, panic choking him.

Look, I don't know who you are or-or what you're saying but being deathly injured doesn't feel good.

Another pause.

You'd be surprised. Sadness and the thoughts of worthlessness is easily replaceable by physical feeling. You cannot feel emotion strongly anymore? Perfect solution.

As Morty's not-so-face took on a look of horrified confusion, static began covering his only view and white light slowly claimed the darkness. It had to have been himself talking. Why would be persuade himself into.. into something so suggestive? That was the only idea he had as to what 'he' was trying to explain.

That was something he'd never try.

Morty felt his eyes flicker from stirring awake. He didn't open them yet, or necessarily want to, but he could tell he wasn't alone wherever he was brought to as a deeper breath sounded next to him. His breath hitched as he didn't immediately recognize it.

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