√8 First Dates

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Above is Lewa's date outfit



I picked up a bag from my closet and stuffed a black cropped top and a plain white shirt, a pair of black skinny jeans, a pyjama and my vans in it then zipped it up.

Today is Saturday, the day of my date.
I still haven't asked my parents if I could go, but I know they'll let me sleepover at Vi's.

I still don't know where Emeka and I are going to. Everytime I ask him he'll just say not to worry.
And I still don't know what to wear, so I'm just going to show up in black jeans and a crop top.

I picked up the bag and headed to the sitting room where my Dad is.

"Daddy can I sleep over at Vivian's" I asked.

He was sprawled on the couch watching a movie.

"No" he said bluntly

What the frick does he mean by no.
Doesn't he know who Vi is again?

"I'm talking about my best friend Vi" I said in case he didn't get it.

"And I said no"

Is he drunk again or what? I knew it won't be long before he would snap.

"Have you been drinking, why can't I ..."

Before I could finish the sentence I received a slap across my face.

"What did I do to earn all this disrespect!! Instead of her to be facing her books, it is Vivian's house she is thinking about!!" He barked.

I studied his face intently and noticed how his words were slurred.
Yeah, he is hammered.

I took my bag and went into my room and immediately I plopped on the bed, I called my mum.

"Lewa, what have I told you about calling me at work?"

"I'm sorry ma, can we please talk on WhatsApp it's urgent" I said to then hung up.

Incoming message from mom, I got a notification.

What happened

Dad is drunk again

How do you know that

I saw the bottles

Okay, why don't you head over to Vivian's until I get home.

Okay ma, can I sleepover?

Okay, love you

                I love you too


 I picked up my bag and snuck out of the kitchen back door, so that Dad won't notice me leave.

 Poor Shade, has to spend the weekend with him.

Once I got out of the house I sprinted to Vivian's house because I still had to get ready and I don't

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