√16. Heartbreak?

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Lewa's POV

"What the heck?!" I yelled at the same time Emeka yelled "What the fuck?!"

"Get out?!" He yelled.

I didn't have to be told twice I immediately shut the door and ran downstairs.

What did I just see?

I'm not going to lie and say I've never seen a guy's peter, because I have just not someone I know. The only time I saw it was when I mistakenly got a glance when a guy was urinating by the side of the road.

What do I do now? Should I just go home? Or should I...

Before I could finish with my rant Emeka came running downstairs like he was being chased.

"Who the fuck invited you to my house?!" He yelled.

"I-i w-was..."

"Just keep quiet. What do you want?"

I have never seen Emeka act like this. I guess he is beginning to show his true colors.

"I just came to check on you since I didn't really see you in school today. I'll be taking my leave now. Thanks for your hospitality" I spat in his face whilst picking up my bag.

"Lewa come back!" Emeka yelled.

I opened the door to his house and slammed it in his face.

The fact that the same maid was laughing at me from the corner did not help.

"Didn't I warn you? Next time when an elder speaks you will listen. Rubbish" she yelled after me.

The urge to turn around and slap her again was very strong, but I just hissed at her and started walking to my house.


"You can all return to your classes. SS3 students stay behind." Mr Odensi said.

Assembly had just been concluded, and all the students noisily returned to their classes. I don't know what it is but something about the atmosphere seems different.

The weekend was very uneventful, mom was at work till late night and Sister Shade spent the weekend at her friend's house in Bagada, while her school is on strike. To add salt to injury Emeka didn't even bother texting me to apologise this weekend.

Meaning I was left at home alone all weekend, and no I didn't invite any friends over.

It was just me, myself and I left to my morbid thoughts.

It was during the weekend that I had made up my mind to go through Emeka's things like his phone. I want to know who he was talking to.

If you like call me an amebo I don't care.

"Iwalewa! Wait behind I want to see you." Mr Odunsi the physics teacher said.

What does he want to see me for now ehn?!

"Should I wait for you?" Zara offered.

"No just go to class" I replied.

I walked over to Mr Odunsi.

"You wanted to see me sir" I started.

"Yes you've not finished all the assessments your mates did before you joined the school and you know that the second term examination I'd fast approaching. I want to have them done before the end of the week, have I made myself clear?"

Is it not only the assessment on Radioactivity I haven't done? This man sef ehn.

"Okay sir" I replied knowing very well that I will just dub Zara's work.

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