√12 Mine.

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Previous Chapter:

"Lewa, would you please be my girlfriend?"

And now...


"Are you serious?" Vivian asked.

"Yes na, would I make it up?" I asked.

"If it was me she tried that rubbish with ehn, you know me now." Vivian hissed.

"Just leave her, stupid girl" I hissed.

"So are you guys like together now?" She asked.

"I told him that I'd think about it"

"See this gbef. 'I told him I'll think about it'. So when you were busy kissing him you did not know that you will think about it" She said mocking me.

"But come oh, do you like him?" Zara cut in.

"Yes, I do. But I'm not sure about dating him" I replied.

"Not sure about dating him ke, see how she is acting a junior. If you like him then you should go for it" Zara said.

"What are you guys still doing here didn't you hear the bell ring, or have you guys become deaf. Come on vamoose from here before I open my eyes!" The petty librarian yelled at us.

We didn't even hear the bell ring, I guess the short break is over. 

We all got up from our chairs and left the library, but not before eyeing the stupid woman.

"She will not do her job, the only thing she is good at is gossiping and eating food. See how she was talking to us" Vivian ranted.

"Don't mind her joor, abeg let's get to class. Before Mrs. Johnson punishes us for being late" Zara said pulling me into our class with her.


Rrrriiinnnggg!!! Came the piercing noise from the siren.

"Break is over!!!" The head girl yelled.

"Finally oh! Ahn it's as if this man wants to kill us. Look at the kind of classwork he is giving somebody when we are not in medical school. Kilode?"

The whole burst into laughter. This Bola girl ehn, she will not kill somebody with all her jokes. But that's why everyone likes her, she's very funny and friendly.

Zara and I dropped our notes on top of the pile of other submitted notebooks and left the class to eat.

After taking our food from the buffet, I sat down at our usual spot with Zara.

Zara took some boiled potatoes and sauce, while I chose fried rice and turkey.

Things at home are still very rough, and I've noticed how distant Sister Shade has been lately. But I guess life has to go on.

"What are you thinking about?" Zara asked.

"It's nothing, no doubt the mid-term exams we have next week" I replied, and technically it's not a lie because I'm far behind in class and I'm very worried.

"You don't need to stress about that one na. They've already given us an area of concentration" she replied.

"I know, but you know I joined you guys lately, so I wasn't able to learn some things" I replied.I have been behind in class especially in further maths and chemistry, which are very important subjects.

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