√18. Project

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Dedicated to EfePeter4
I wrote this chapter because of you 💕

"I'm traveling next week oh!" Vivian yelled.

Everyone at the table kept quiet.

"To where?" I asked.

"I'm going to visit my cousins in London" she replied while shoving a spoonful of porridge in her mouth.

"Ah mad oh, we'll miss you oh" Stephanie cheered.

"Speak for yourself. Miss who?" Jason snorted.

Vivian rolled her eyes.

"But what about all your school work?" I asked.

"She will help her catch up when she returns" Stephanie replied.

Daniel snorted.

"But exam is in three weeks oh." I reminded

Almost everyone on the table rolled their eyes.

"Like Stephanie said, I will catch up" Vivian said rolling her eyes.

"What's my own, I have Physics class next and I have not done my assignment so bye" I said getting up from the table.

"Wait. I also haven't done the assignment let's go together" Jason said with a smirk.

I was fuming.

I turned to the table, they all didn't seem to find anything about this suspicious. Well everyone except Vivian. It looked like she was about to say something but she was holding it in.

I cocked my head to the side as if to ask what her problem was. But she simply rolled her eyes and returned to her food.


I turned to Jason and smiled.

"Let's go" I took his hand in mine like we were best of friends.

This is when the table began to give us suspicious looks.

When we got into the class, it was empty. I went under Zara's locker and searched for her Physics note so I can copy her assignment. It's too long for me to start racking my brain for the answers.

I opened the note and got to work. The assignment was on the IGCSE specimen June 2016 paper 2 we were asked to answer all questions, when someone came and yanked the note from me.

Already knowing who it was, I turned around and kicked the person.

"Guy what is your problem?!" Jason yelled.

"You are my problem. Can't you just free me?" I hissed.

"I couldn't see the note because you were blocking what I was writing"

"Really?" I asked.


"Then where is your note ehn?" I smirked.

Just before he could reply people started strolling into the class.

"Give me the note joor. Let me finish the last question before class should start" I snatched the note from his hands.


Just as I was returning Zara's note Mr Adewale entered the class.

"Everybody settle down, we don't have any time to waste because we have a lot to cover."

There were still some people who were still talking despite the presence of our teacher.

"Can't you guys hear? I want everyone on their seats and to drop the side talks" Zara yelled giving authority as the class captain.

"I will only be saying this once, so if you like listen. You must all have heard from your seniors about the yearly Science projects. I'm sure by now your chemistry and biology teacher would have already given you your projects. I apologise for postponing it till towards the end of term when you are supposed to be studying for your exams."

That is true, although our biology and chemistry teacher were to lazy to give us an actual projects. Our chemistry teacher just laid some laboratory apparatus out and told us to label them and told us to find the Rf values of some amino acids.

Our biology teacher on the other hand told us to get a loaf of bread and let it decay, while documenting the changes and our observations along the way.

I wonder what the Physics would be about.

"You guys would pair up in groups of two..."

Before he could finish his statement, the whole class immediately started to claim who they wanted as partners. Zara held onto my arm.

"We are partners" she said simply.

"Would you guys shut up! Did you really think I'd actually let you guys pick your partners?"

"The thunder that will strike this man ehn" Zara cursed.

"For your project you will have two topics to pick from. Radiation and Pressure. Under Radiation, your topic would be detection of Radiation. I expect it to be very graphical. I want you to give the devices that we can detect Radiation with, I won't say more than that be creative. Under Pressure, your topic is Application of pressure you should give examples of pressure and of course I want it to be graphical. This is forty marks. Any questions?"

"Sir, when are you going to group us?" Seyi, a girl from the front asked.

"After the class. Any other questions?"

Nobody raised their hand.

"Now let's get right into the lesson. But first submit the assignment I gave to you guys"


As Mr Adewale was about to step out of the class Adesuwa called him back.

"Sir you said you'd group us after class"

"Ah! Yes." He rubbed his forehead.

"Where's my record book now?" he asked.

Seyi handed it over to him.

"Okay so I will be pairing you up randomly" he started.

"Ubong Asire and Bukola Deoye. Ifeanyi and Bunmi..."

I turned to Zara.

"Which one are you doing?" I asked.

"Pressure obviously" she replied.

I rest my head on the table, waiting for my name to be called.

After about three minutes someone tapped me.

"Who did they pair me with?" I asked Zara.

She eyed me suspiciously before replying.

"Jason" she answered.

"Oh." I replied.

Once Mr Adewale stepped out of the class I followed him to the lab so he can change my partner. But of course that did not work out, because by the time I got to the physics lab about ten students were already waiting for him with their pleas.

I walked back to class, giving up.

By the time I got to class I met Jason on my seat. He had a wide smile on his face, almost like he just won a lottery.

"Lewa! I've been waiting for you to return. So your house or mine?"

I'm done for.



Merry Christmas⛄🎄

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Until next time

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