√11 Proposal

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 I picked up my bag from Vivian's nightstand when I got a call from my mom.


"He's gone!!" She screamed into the phone.

And now...
I'm sitting in class thinking about why God loves punishing me so much, while Zara is trying to get my attention. But she gave up.

Life can be so unfair at times.

I feel so betrayed, I feel duped, and most of all, I feel stupid.

It's so hard to gain trust, but it only takes a second to lose it.

It's kinda sad, poor naïve me.

Last night, mom gave up. She gave up on everything and everyone.

She called me from Vivian's house that my father was gone. It alarmed me, I thought he was dead.

 To me, that would have been better news than the betrayal I felt. To find out that dad fled with all my mom's savings.

Just like that three years' worth of my mother's savings, gone down the drain.

For some drunk to use and buy booze to satisfy his addiction.

Lewa doesn't think like that, my subconscious warned.

Did he even ever care for his kids?

All the ' I love you's ' were lies.

I closed my eyes and prayed that this was all a dream and that my family wasn't going through any bankruptcy. That my mom didn't tell Sister Shade she might not be able to pay for her education anymore.

Thank God for this Scholarship, I don't know where I'll be without it. I'd likely be in my room like Sister Shade wondering how I'd go on with my life.

"Lewa, what was my last statement?" Someone said.

"Ehn?!" I come out of my reverie only to notice Mr. Jude staring at me with scrutiny.

I didn't even notice him entering the class, or even starting the class.

"Am I not talking to you?!" He barked at me.

"Y-yes sir," I said.

I look at the board for any clue of what the topic is, It read 'The Basic Human Rights.

 I turned to my right hoping I would get a clue from Zara.

 I look at her notebook and the last thing written on it was the types of human rights and what article they fall under. I learned this in my old school.

"Sir you were talking about types of human rights and the articles they fall under," I said.

"And what did I say about it," he said with his thick Igbo accent.

What is wrong with this man?

"Article 1 talks about the Right to Equality. Article 2 talks about freedom from discrimination. Article 3 talks about the right to life, liberty, and personal security. Artic..."

"That's enough, take your sit," he said while the class clapped for me.

"As I was saying..." Mr. Jude returned to his teaching.

"Lewa! Lewa!" I heard someone yelling my name.

"What? No, tell me what you want from me! Why are you shouting my name?! Ehn?!" I take my frustration on the person who called my name.

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