√9 Freedom Park

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"Domino's Pizza?" I asked.

He looked at me clearly amused.

"Nope," he said popping the 'p'.

"Terra culture," I asked.


Emeka and I were playing the guessing game, I was trying to figure out where he was taking us to and he just sat there staring at me with an amused expression on his face saying 'nope'.

"This is getting tiresome," Emeka said.

" Then tell me where the frick we are going!" I said with annoyance.

Emeka burst out laughing like a fool, obviously finding my situation amusing.

"What the fuck is frick?" He said still laughing.

"I don't swear" I mumbled.

"Why don't you.."

The driver cut him off.

"We Don reach small oga"

"Let's go," he said.

He took my hand and walked me out of the car towards a very beautiful park.

"Where is this" I whispered.

"Freedom park," he said smiling at me.

The place was so beautiful, especially at this time. It was almost nighttime. The place has benches and trees everywhere. It's almost empty, only a few people are spotted.

I turned around and saw Emeka frowning at me.

"You don't like it?" He asked.

Why would he think that? this place is so lovely.

"What? I love it here" I said smiling at him.

"Great, now let's get going it's already getting late".

I took my phone out of my purse and texted Vivian that we already reached the Venue.

"So are we sitting on the benches, or the grass?" I asked Emeka.

"The grass, I already set up a picnic for us," he said smiling.

I have always wondered why he is always smiling.

"Really? that's amazing," I said.

We kept walking for a while before, we came to a halt under a really large tree.

"How come you left a picnic setup here and nobody touched it," I asked him.

"I didn't set it up, a friend helped me and he stayed with it," he said a bit embarrassed.

"Oh, where is the friend?" I asked looking around.

"I let him off when we got here," he said.

I sat on the mat that was already spread out and gestured for Emeka to do the same. He sat down and was just staring at me awkwardly.

"Aren't you going to open the basket?" I asked him.

"Oh, yeah" he mumbled.

He reached into the basket and started to bring out some items.

"Are you sure we can finish all this?" I asked him.

There was fried rice, jollof rice, plantain, shawarma, and a bowl filled with asun.

"I wasn't sure what of what you would like to eat in particular, so I decided to go all out"

"Oh, okay," I said reaching for a plate to dish some fried rice.

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