√13. Competition

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"Another lap!!!" Mr David yelled.

"Sir, we need a break!" Chioma a girl on the team voiced out.

"What break? We have nationals in a month and a competition with Royal City tomorrow and you are asking for a break when we haven't even started. You guys are too slow for my liking" Mr David boomed.

This one has started sparking. I wish I could just leave this track team, the training is too much, but I can't cause that is what is still keeping me in the school.

"You know what everybody should go and take some water. Lewa, Emeka and Mercy, stay behind I need to talk to you guys" Mr David said.

I walked over to the benches and grabbed my water bottle before walking back to Mr David.

"You guys know that we can't lose that competition. It's supposed to prepare you for the states championship, and if we win we will be going to the nationals. Last year wasn't a very good year for us, Mercy, Emeka you should know what I mean. We can't come in second. We are The Royals, we never lose at anything" he started.

From what I heard, Royal Valley lost to Royal City in the states and Mr David has not let them hear the last of it. He always makes sure to remind them of their second place position last year.

"I'm hoping now that we have Lewa, we can win tomorrow's competition. Our competition tomorrow is only to prepare us for states, to see who is better, who has improved, and who I need to kick off the team. So you better put in your all tomorrow"

"Okay sir, are we going to their school or are they coming here?" I asked.

"We'll be going there. Don't forget to bring your sportswear tomorrow. Let's do one more lap so that you guys can go home" he said.

"Oya all the juniors, Demilade, Sophia, Chioma and Chuka come and sprint!" I yelled.

"Come oh, are you now sports prefect or are you the captain that you are now doing my job?" Mercy asked whilst eying me.

What is shacking this one. Is it because Mr David said that we could possibly win because of me?

"Sorry oh, madam prefect" If not for the fact that she's my senior ehn, I would have para for her.


Getting up from my bed, I decided to quickly take a bath so that my mum can quickly drop me off at school before going to work.

After eating some fruit and fibre, I drop a chilled Lucozade boost granola bar into my bag from the fridge.

I ran upstairs to check what my mum was doing, but what I heard were sobs coming from her room. Why was mummy crying. I knocked on her door before walking in. She immediately wiped her tears when she saw me.

"Mummy why were you crying?" I asked.

"Who told you that I was crying? There was something in my eyes my dear" she said.

"If this is about daddy, I want you to forget about him. It's clear he didn't want us anymore, so we have to move on" I said.

"Lewa, sho ti ya were ni? Is it me you are talking to like that?"

"E ma binu. When are we leaving, I have to get ti school early" I asked.

"Let me finish my makeup. By the way your dad called earlier, he wanted to speak to you and Shade"

"What did you tell him? Where is he?" I asked surprised.

"I cut the call, he said that he was sorry and when he makes it he will come back for us" she said.

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