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Michael's POV.

I was almost ready for school, but I went over to Luke's house anyway.

I knocked on the door and waited patiently.

"Oh. Hi Michael. I was about to take Chloe to school. Luke's not up yet." She said.

"I know. I'll wake him up." I said.

"Oh good. I'm running late anyway." She sighed.

I walked up the stairs, and saw Luke's shut door.

I opened it, and heard silence.

Aw. He looked so cute asleep.

I shut his door once I stepped in, and quietly walked over to his bed.

I laid down beside him, and slipped my hand under his shirt. I rubbed his stomach lightly. I felt him squirm around a little. A little sound left his mouth. It sounded like a tired whine, But it was cute.

"Lukey. It's time to get up." I whispered.

He turned around, snuggling into me. I smiled, and looked at the clock. It was only 6:58. We don't have to be at school until 8:30, and it's not that long of a walk. Maybe ten minutes or less. I guess I could give him more time to sleep.

"30 more minutes to sleep babe. I'll be right back. I'm gonna brush my teeth." I said, getting off of his bed, making him release me.

I walked to his bathroom, and picked up my toothbrush that I always use.

While I was brushing my teeth, I looked into the mirror. I could see out into Luke's room. It amazes me how cute he can be. He was cuddling with a pillow, and it seemed to be the most adorable thing I'd ever seen.

Once I was done, I walked back out to Luke's bed, and crawled on top of him.

I straddled his waist, and he opened his eyes a little.

"Hi Mikey." He whispered.

"Hey babe. Are you tired?" I asked.

He nodded, turning his head back to the side.

I leaned down, and pressed a tiny kiss to the sweet spot on his neck. I pressed a longer, sloppier kiss to it, and a small sigh left his lips.

I felt his hand run through my hair, and he hooked his legs around the back of my thighs.

"Wait wait wait-" he said, pushing me off roughly, getting up, and running to the bathroom.

"Luke?" I asked, running after him. He leaned over the toilet, and threw up.

"Poor baby." I pouted, and sat behind him, rubbing his back.

He finally got up, and flushed the toilet, tiredly standing up to brush his teeth.

"Have wu alweady blushed wer teef?" He asked, with the brush in his mouth.

I laughed, and stood up with him. "Yeah. I have bwushed my teef." I said, mocking him.

He looked over and glared at me. "Watch cwoswy." He mumbled, spitting the tooth paste out.

He washed out his mouth, and spit again.

"That'll be your cum next time if you make fun of me again." He said, and my jaw dropped. "You're not a spitter." I said, walking out of the bathroom with him trailing behind.

I pulled a black shirt out of his closet. It has white sleeves, and black stars going down them. It's my favorite shirt Luke has.

I got him a pair of black skinnies, and black vans. I walked over to him and pulled up the shirt he slept in. He kissed my lips, and I slid down his sweatpants.

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