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I'm sorry but this gets sad.

Luke's POV.

It's been four months with Logan, and he's been nothing but a blessing to me and Michael.

Me and Michael were laying down on the bed, and he had his arm under my neck, and Logan was laying on my chest. Logan laughed every time I stuck my tongue out at him, and that caused me and Michael to laugh. "D-D-"

"Michael! He's gonna say it!" I whisper yelled.

"Say Dada?" I said, and placed my hand on his small back.


"Da-Da." I encouraged.

"Da-da!" He laughed, and I smiled down at him. I turned my head and snuggled it into Michael's side. "He's said it." I whispered, and laughed quietly.

"Da-Da!" He squealed again, and I laughed, moving him over to lay on Mikey's chest. Logan giggled, and rolled off of Michael, landing on both of us. I scooted over a little so he would lay between us. I tickled his stomach with my fingers, and he giggled, letting drool fall from the corners of his mouth.

He reached up and wrapped his fingers around Michael's thumb. He tried to pull himself up, and Michael helped him, and Logan sat up with his hands in front of him. Logan played with the loose thread on the blanket, and I felt Michael tilt my head up to look at him. "Hey. So. I've decided how I'm gonna get us a little money." He said, and I smiled up at him. "How?" I asked.

"Well. I got a job at the cafe down the street. I didn't tell you before because I was scared you would be disappointed if I didn't get the job. Anyway, they hired me, and I'm starting on Monday." He said, and I slightly frowned at him. "You could've told me." I said, and he nodded. "I know." He said and I smiled.

I looked down at the baby who was asleep with him bum up in the air. I laughed quietly, and sat up. "I'll go put him to bed." I said. "No Luke. Just lay down. I'll take care of it for you." He said, and placed a kiss on my forehead when he sat up. "Okay." I smiled as he walked out of the door with Logan.

I got up, and removed my shirt and pants, leaving me in my boxers. I walked to the closet, and pulled out one of Michael's shirts. It was a black and white baseball style t-shirt that had 'Idiot' written across it. It came down to my mid thigh. I walked to the bathroom, and brushed my teeth. Once I was done I saw Michael laying down in bed, shirtless with black and red pajama pants on. I ran over to the bed, and jumped on top of him, causing both me and Michael to laugh. I straddled his waist and sat up. He placed his hands on my thighs and rubbed them slowly. "I love you." He said quietly.

"I love you too." I whispered. I leaned down and pressed my lips onto his. His hand gripped the back of my neck, and pushed me onto him more forcefully. I payed my body down on his and he pulled back, letting my head fall on his shoulder. "You look so hot in my shirt." He mumbled, and I felt him move his hips against mine.

"I want you so bad Michael, but we can't." I whispered. "I know, baby." He replied, turning on his side so I was laying beside him with one leg wrapped around him. He tucked his head onto my neck, and pulled the blankets up over us.

Unfortunately, my phone started ringing, and I sighed, leaning over Michael and picking it up. It was my mum.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Luke. Hi. Look, I promised Chloe you would be here before she woke up in the morning. We had a doctors visit yesterday, after she passed out. She's not doing too good." Mum said, and i cleared my throat.

"What's wrong? mum?!" I asked, sitting up, feeling my eyes fill with tears.

"Just relax. We'll talk about it in the morning." She said.

"No mum, please tell me." I pleaded.

"Well. Chloe's been diagnosed with cancer." She said, and I closed my eyes, letting tears fall from them. Michael respectively sat silently, rubbing my knee comfortingly.

"Really?" I asked quietly.

"Yes honey. Please don't freak out. They found it at an early stage so she has a big chance of surviving." She said, and I nodded even though she couldn't see me. "O-Okay. I'll be there in the morning." I said, and she said okay, before hanging up.

I dropped my phone onto the bed beside me, and fell into Michael's arm, sobbing.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Chloe has cancer." I whispered into his neck, and I felt his grip on me tighten.

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