Billie's hostage

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Shelby's pov

I woke up in a chair and I was tied to it. I tried to get out of the rope. Then I heard a squeal and I looked seeing Rachel tied up next to me. She saw me and scooted closer to me as she put her head on me. The I saw Charlie tied up as well.I got the tape off of my mouth and started to talk to Charlie.

Shelby- Charlie, Charlie

Charlie- Shelby.......Where are we

Billie- Good your all up

Rachel some how got out of her chair and jumped onto my lap. Billie didn't tolerate that she tied her up again and I was trying to get out to help Rachel. Billie then came over putting tape back over my mouth. Billie the had a knife in her hand putting it near Rachel and I started to scream for her to stop. 

Billie- You really think that low of me. Kill the only thing that keeps you sane

The she walked to Charlie and put it to her throat. I was crying and shaking my head no. She look the knife and cut her leg as Charlie screamed. She kept doing that till she got to her neck.

Billie- Say goodbye to your lover mammas. 

She then slit her throat and I started to scream as I watch my girlfriend die in front of me. I was sobbing so was Rachel. Billie then dropped the knife and untied Rachel. Rachel ran to me and looked at Charlie. Billie then undid me and I went to Charlie. I heard her and sobbed even more. She was my only girlfriend that cared for me. Finneas then came in seeing what just happened. 

Finneas- Billie what the hell. Shelby, Rachel come with me

We stood up and walked to Finneas. He hugged us both as I cried. I wanted to marry her and start a life with her. We then walked onto there tour bus and just had that relay in my head over and over again. 

Billie- Shelby

I didn't look at her just stared at the floor. 

Billie- Shelby I'm sorry

Shelby- Tell that to my only hope of happiness

Billie walked to me and just hugged me. I didn't hug back or anything. She isn't mind as we drove away from my happiness. I sat there staring out the window as tears came out the window. The Rachel gave me my phone that had a video.

Shelby- What is this

Rachel- Charlie said to Let you watch it when she passes away

I pressed play and I smiled really quickly. 

Charlie in the video- Hi baby. I bet you are watching this after Billie killed me or I had a peaceful death. Just know I love you with all my heart babygirl. If Billie has you just remember that you can get through her. I hate that that you had to witness me to die but I will never leave you. You were my first love and never forget that. Also if Billie is watching please for the love of god just give her a chance on talking to you before you jump to conclusions. Billie treat my babygirl like a princess. She has had a pretty shit life and don't put rules onto her because believe it or not it messes with her mental health. Watch out for that because she had super bad depression and a little of separation anxiety. Please please Shelby be good to yourself and try to focus on the good. I love you babygirl and thank you for being such an amazing girlfriend.

After the video I just sat there looking at her. Billie then shut my phone off and set it on a table behind her. She then grabbed me putting me into her lap. 

Billie- Shelby I promise I will live her dreams 

Shelby- Why did you have to kill her

Billie- I had many different emotions and I sometimes I do things that I regret

Shelby- Don't ever put knife that close to my sister again

Billie- I won't mammas. Can we just start over 

Shelby- Sure

She smiled and Rachel waved me over to the one bunk that was opened for me and Rach. 

Shelby- Whats up

Rachel- I can't sleep can you sing to me

Shelby- Of course what song what song?


Shelby- Okay lay back. Told you not to worry

But maybe that's a lie
Honey, what's your hurry?
Won't you stay inside?
Remember not to get too close to stars
They're never gonna give you love like ours

 Where did you go?

I should know, but it's cold
And I don't wanna be lonely
So show me the way home
I can't lose another lifeHurry, I'm worriedThe world's a little blurry
Or maybe it's my eyes
The friends I've had to bury
They keep me up at night
Said I couldn't love someone
'Cause I might break
If you're gonna die, not by mistakeSo, where did you go?
I should know, but it's cold
And I don't wanna be lonely
So tell me you'll come home
Even if it's just a lieI tried not to upset you
Let you rescue me the day I met you
I just wanted to protect you
But now I'll never get toHurry, I'm worriedWhere did you go?
I should know, but it's cold
And I don't wanna be lonely
Was hoping you'd come home
I don't care if it's a lie

After I got done singing it she was out like usual. I sat there for a few minutes and then walked back to the couch. But at the doorway Billie was leaning against the wall. I jumped when I saw her. 

Shelby- The hell are you doing

Billie- Why don't you sing more

Shelby- Its more of a private thing 

Billie- You would be an amazing artist though

Shelby- I just don't feel comfortable singing in front of thousands of eyes

Billie- Have you ever wanted to be in a choir or anything

Shelby- I mean yeah but I can't afford it. I lost my job Billie 

Billie- I can help you

Shelby- Let me think about it Billie. I just lost my girlfriend so give me some time to morn please

Billie- I will I just want to help

Shelby- Thanks

I grabbed my phone and walked back to Rachel. 

Kidnapped By Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now