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Shelby's  Pov

Lately since our last fight Billie has been all lovey dovey on me. I really don't know how to feel about it because she is never this touchy with me. I am happy because I can dance now.

Billie- Hey 

Shelby- What are you doing

Billie- Nothing

She started to kiss me a lot and its making me kinda making me upset.

Shelby- Billie stop please

She stopped and I then got ready for Dance finally. Funny thing is that Billie missed dance so much that she signed up for dance.  So Billie was getting ready as well. 

Shelby- Billie are you ready to go we got to go

Billie- Yeah I've been ready

I then got into the drivers seat in the new car Billie surprised me with with the help of Cat and Josh. It was a 2020 Toyota Camry. I love it so much. I was driving and saw that the studio was all fixed up. I wasn't paying much attention till Billie screamed at me. 


I looked at saw a drunk driver coming to me and I zipped into the parking lot. Hell no I'm not crashing today. 

Shelby- Sorry

Billie- Its okay mammas

I then walked in and I saw Cat with Noah. I ran and hugged Cat. 

Cat- I'm so happy that you can dance again

Shelby- I know. Noah hi

I then went to hug her when I got a whiff of something weird. I ignored it then hugged her. 

Noah- How are you

Shelby- I'm good

We then started to warm up and stretch. I really stretched my ankle and it felt so nice to get it all stretched out. We were all talking during it and laughing. The rest of the team came and joined us. We then started to do free style to get our wiggles out. We had hip hoppy songs on. Me and Cat did some signature moves we always do. 

Josh- Why

Shelby- Because we can 

Josh- Okay everyone if you don't know who this is this is Billie Shelby's girlfriend. Oh Billie there is some rules that I will tell you later. 

We then started to learn this prop dance. The props were chairs, umbrellas, and doors with wheels on it. We had groups with 3 people in it. I had Josh and Billie since Noah wanted to be with Cat. 

Josh- Shelby 

Shelby- yeah

Josh- Take over

I nodded and started to count through the dance. We were going through all we know so far. 

Shelby- Okay does anyone need help....Okay Noah and Billie lets go over it slowly

I started to help them out and then we ran through it. We then started to learn the rest of the dance. We then started to learn a hip hop dance. We only were putting people that look the best. With the others they just need to work on it more. 

Josh- Okay get into your groups

I walk over to Josh and Cat. We were 1st always since we are the top 3 dancers. We started to do a little hip hop that we did in the past. I walked to the back of the back of the room sassy and did a front flip to end it. But when I landed it my ankle was screaming.  

Kidnapped By Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now