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Shelby's pov

Its officially a month of my career and let me tell you this I am overworked. I had to put an album out in a week. I have to go to dance from 8 am to 4 pm. I have to go to practice, work on music during my lunch break, rush to an interview, go to Finneas's house to work on music and try to spend time with Rachel, go back home and eat, work on some more music till 12 am every morning. I only eat one meal since I stay up till 12 and have to wake up at 7. I only have time to have water. I am slowly mentally not doing okay. Oh yeah on top of that I have to go counseling since I have horrible stress and anxiety right now. 

Billie- Shelby its time to wake up for your performance

I rolled over and got ready. I then walked to the car and just broke down. I haven't been able to spend time with Rachel or Billie and I keep promising them but it never happens. Billie came into the car seeing me cry.

Billie- Hey we don't have to go

Shelby- I have to 

Billie- Shelby this is way to much for you this exact something happened to me. We need to tell your manger.

Shelby- Billie just go before I'm late

She drove and I got ready in the car. I then had to run in since I was late. But paparazzi had to slow me down. Josh got them away and helped me inside. I hurried and changed so I could go on and perform. I need to take my emotions out on these dances. When we walked out for hip hop I spotted Max. I ignored him. We started the dance and all my nerves went away. For the part I do some tumbling was coming up soon. When I was ending my tumbling I must have landed wrong because I fell to the floor. It was supposed to have me end off to the side with sass but I'm not the ground crying. Josh carried me off the stage and took me to get my ankle checked. 

Nurse- what happened

Shelby- I was finishing tumbling and I landed wrong

I heard people running to me. I saw Billie and she grabbed my hand. They did some things and I couldn't move it at all. 

Nurse- So we have to send you to the ER because it might be worse than a sprain

The but me in an Ambulance with Billie. They then too my to the x-ray and then took me into a room. I had my hands on my face and I was crying since it hurts so bad. Then the doctor came back.

Doctor- Bad news

Shelby- What is it

Doctor- Your ankle is broken. But when you start dance again you will have to wear a brace 

I then got a cast put on. I was given crutches and we were on our way back to the house. 

Shelby- Wait

Billie- What

Shelby- Can we go see Rachel

Billie- Of course mammas

I haven't said that in a month and its Wednesday. When I walked in she ran to me. 

Rachel- You here and what did you do

Shelby- I broke it

Rachel- No 

Shelby- Sadly did

Finneas- How you doing that was a pretty bad fall

Shelby- I'm mad because I truly enjoy dance but I can't do anything about it now. This just takes me out for the rest of the year

Billie- Don't be so hard on yourself

Claudia- Awe Shelby Fin told me what happened thats horrible.

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