Interviewer gone too far

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Shelby's pov

Its my first interview after Rachel's passing and I need to mentally prepared to talk about it. Billie will being coming with me along with Katie. Billie is coming just in case I need a shoulder to cry on. Katie is going to be there because if they ask questions that I don't want to ask her job is to stop them. But here's the thing is I can leave whenever I like if they won't stop. 

Billie- Hey 

Shelby- Hey 

Billie- You ready Katie is here

Katie- You know you can reschedule 

Shelby- No I need to continue with my life. Billie taught me when I didn't know her like this after my best friend passed away is I have to move on and I can't let it ruin my life. Yes I still have moments. But if it wasn't for Billie I wouldn't stopped being depressed and then life kicked me in face then I was again. But Billie keeps putting me back onto my feet every time. Plus Rachel wouldn't want me to 

Billie- Well be glad that I took you

Katie- Okay every time you Bring that up it gives me chills

Shelby- Why can't handle that I let her take me and allow her to let her into my life. I mean I can afford a fucking mansion

She laughed and we got into the car so we get to the interview. When we got there I put on the mic and got ready. 

Interviewer- Well come everyone it John joined here today with the one the only Shelby McGovern everyone

Shelby- Hello

John- How are you

Shelby- I am holding up 

John- Are we expecting any new music

Shelby- Maybe and maybe there might be some special guests joining me

John- Wow amazing. So you were in a choir group starting your fame

Shelby- Yes I was at the L.A. Choir Tour group

John- Did you like that

Shelby- I met my best friend Cat there and its amazing

John- So the instructor Max has been reported multiple times of abuse towards the choir

Shelby- Yes and I was the last one for him to do

John- So some of your fans have contacted me and wanted me to say that they have seen him out of jail

Shelby- Oh god expecting that but I'm a busy bee for him to see me

John- Yes you are. So your sister recently passed away

Shelby- Yes she did

Thats when emotions hit me. I was fiddling with my nails and trying not to cry. Billie was sitting my me and grabbing my hand.

John- I'm so sorry to hear that. How has that been effecting you

Shelby- Its hard honestly. I was honestly so blessed that I had her as my sister

John- So I have been seeing reports that you stopped your job for a while

Shelby- Yeah for a few days to spend time with her before she passed. 

John- How old was she

Shelby- She turned 10 before she passed

John- She had cancer right

Shelby- yes she did

John- I have heard and seen reports, rumors that you forced this on to her

Shelby- Thats not true at all 

Kidnapped By Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now