Josh's Studio

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Shelby's pov

Josh- Hey Shelby

Shelby- Whats up Josh

Josh- The new studio is up and running ready to dance in

Shelby- Really sweet let me get ready 

Josh- Alright I'll text you the address

I then hung up and got ready. Billie walked in right when I was about to leave. She grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

Billie- And where do you think your going

Shelby- Work 

Billie- In that no

Shelby- Dance work I still have it you know

Billie- And where is that

Shelby- No clue 

Billie- Is this Josh's studio you are going to 

Shelby- Billie I have to go 

I tried to leave and she pulled me back. Okay what the hell is going on she hasn't acted like this since she first kidnapped.

Billie- No

Shelby- Okay what the hell is your problem right now

Billie- Why I don't have a problem 

Then Josh called me since I was still home. 

Josh- Are you coming or what we are waiting for you

Katie- Josh be nice

Josh- I am

Shelby- Yeah I'll be there in a sec 

I then ripped myself out of Billie's grip and into the car as she marched out to get me. I drove off as she got to my car and I drove to the studio. When I got there I ran in and yelled for Josh.

Josh- Hey what was the hold up

Shelby- So you know how I met Billie

Josh- Yeah you letting her Kidnap you

Shelby- Yeah she started to act up and wouldn't let me leave the house. But she has to be careful still because I still have PTSD. 

Josh- Maybe something happened 

Shelby- Maybe 

I then got all warmed up for dance and I started to dance again. The second I started to dance all of my worries left me as I focused on the dance. I then heard Billie storm in. She then stopped the second she saw me dancing. I then saw Cat and I ran to her. 

Shelby- Oh my god I thought I wasn't going to see you again its been ages

Cat- I know it has

I then started to learn a duet with her as Billie smiled and sat down decided to stay. 

Billie's pov

I watched my beautiful girlfriend dance with her best friend and they were so good together. 

Josh- Hey Shelby told me you were acting up what's up

Billie- I guess since she left all the sudden made me piss me off and I feel bad for acting up because I was such a bitch to her at first. I'm guessing she told you

Josh- Yeah but Billie 

Billie- I know I shouldn't have done it

Josh- No thats not what I was going to say. I was going to say your perfect for her and she is all she wanted. She always talks about she doesn't regret letting you kidnap her

Kidnapped By Billie EilishWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt