Chapter 7

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"Thomas go talk something into your daughter." My mother demanded from downstairs. If she thought she was being quiet, she was certainly mistaken.

Trying to block their voices, I pushed my head into my pillow harder. It was to no avail, though. I think my mother's voice got even louder.

Sighing, I sat up. I clearly wasn't going to get any sleep soon.

Maybe, I should call Josh and Alexa to see what i've been missing in class.

I hope they weren't too mad at me. Wait no, scratch that. I hope Josh wasn't too mad at me mad me. I mean, I did promise the guy that I was going to call him once I got here. He must be going crazy, right now.

Wrestling out of my covers, I wanced over to my dresser on the wall across the front of my bed. I grabbed my phone and dialed Josh's number. The phone didn't even ring two rings before he answered.

"Kimberly! What the hell? You told me you'd call yesterday. I thought something happened to you."

"Sorry, Josh. Something uhm...... Came up. I didn't have my phone so I couldn't call you or anyone else at that matter."

"Well, what happened?" He asked. I should'vs seen that one coming. Should I tell him?

I shook my head. That's becoming habit for me, isn't it? I should......

"Kim?" Oh, I forgot he was still on the line for a second.

"Josh, I don't want to talk about that right now. I was really calling to ask you if there was any work I need to do."

There was a really long pause before he answered again.

"Yeah uhm..... There's a 3 page essay due on Sunday for American Government. You can turn it in via email." He stated solemnly.

"Thanks, i'll speak to you later. Bye bye." I hung up before he could say anything else.

Placing the phone back on the dresser, I looked into the mirror that was above it. I looked like hell. My eyes were red and puffy from crying in the shower and my hair wasn't the natrual afro I usually grace. Instead, it was a nappy piece of mess.

Turning around, I took in the appearance of my room. It seemed like nobody has been in here since I left.

My walls were still the same shade of olive green it's alway been. The beautiful brown butterfly, my dad had painted, sat right above my bed. On my nightstand sat my old bible and some photos of me when I was younger.

Taking a quick glance to my left, I saw the door that connected my room to Kam's. My heart ached at the sight.

There were many nights when I would get scared and run into that room to get under the covers with my sister. I still can't believe she's not walking this earth anymore. I'll never get to hear the sound of her voice again.

Stifling a sniff, I grabbed my suitcase from the foot of my bed. That essay wasn't going to write itself.

Once I had my laptop setup, my door creaked open. I shot my head up to meet the penetrating stare of my mother's. A shiver ran down my spine.

All my life, my mom has scared me. It is why I tried to behave on my very best to stay on her good side. Looking at her face right now, I don't think i'm on her good side at the moment.

Turning my attention back to the laptop, I heard her shut the door behind her.

"Would you mind telling me why you have been acting the way you have?" She asked a little bit too calm. Aw, hell.

Lifting my head from the computer, I scoffed at her. What was I, six?

"I don't understand what you're talking about, mom." She placed her hands on her hips.

"Like hell you don't, Kimberly. What were you doing with that boy?" She sneered.

"That 'boy' has a name, you know." I muttered. She banged her fist on the nightstand.

"I don't give a damn what his name is. Do you know what that boy has done to this family? He's no good and I don't want you around him. Do you hear me, girl?"

I gaped at her. Who was she to tell me who I could hang with?

"No." I stated firmly.

"No?" She asked back in astonishment.

"What do you mean no?"

"I mean, that no I want stop talking to him, mom." I was stunned by what she had did next. She slapped me. She had actually slapped me.

I felt the tears begin to well up in my eyes. Rubbing my cheek, I glared at her.

"You will listen to what I say, Kimberly."

"Get out of my room!" I stated once I could find my voice. I didn't want to look at her anymore. I couldn't believe her.

She glared at me, realizing what she had done.

"Kimmy I...."

"Get Out." I yelled again.

This time she grabbed the door handle, stopping midway in the door, before shutting the door behind her.

Once I was sure she was gone, I ran to my phone and scrolled down the call list. I hope he hasn't changed his phone number.

Clicking call once I found who I was looking for, I waited patiently for an answer.

"Kim?" He answered. Sending good chills down my spine. His voice instantly calmed me down.

"Are you still mad?" I ask him.

"I was never mad, Kim. I told you that." He sighed.

"Can you come pick me back up? I need you."

It seemed like I stood there for a long time. I could hear him breathing on the other end. It made me nervous.

"I'll pick you up in 10." He said before hanging up. I dropped my phone and ripped open my suitcase.

I had 10 minutes to find something good to wear.

Okay, so that's Chapter 7. I hoped you guys liked. Sorry for any errors, I typed this on my phone. Vote, comment, or maybe both. Thx for reading!!!

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