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Pressley and Brady met when filming season 8 of dance moms. Unfortunately after that they never got to film another season, however the two of them stayed best friends to this day when they are now the age of 16 and 17. They try to see each other as much as possible but it can be hard with there busy life's. Pressley is currently still dancing and taking classes everyday but has also gone into acting more since she enjoys it a lot. Brady still trains at his dance studio in Miami and mainly focuses on his ballet. The team are still all friends and try to meet at least twice a year to catch up.

When Brady and Pressley met a few years back they knew they are going to be life long best friends. They share the same humor and got on like a house on fire. Since filming dance moms they have shared so many memories together and are closer than ever. But what happens when one day something tragic happens to one of them and the other realises something they shouldn't have...


Ahhh new book! I'm kinda excited for this one and hope you guys are too! I'm going to try update as much as I can but not going to set a schedule it will just depend. I just want to say I know brady and Pressley and only friends in real life and I'm not trying to like make anyone uncomfortable and that it's just a bit of fun since I love there friendship! I have planned some of this book out but if you guys have suggestions you would like me to add in comment below as I want you guys to enjoy this book! Hope your all well! Xxx

Always me and youNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ