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Brady's POV-

I woke up to my alarm going off. I groaned when I remembered what happened last night and felt bad for not messaging Pressley. I got out of bed after checking my tik tok and Instagram and went to go find my mum who was watching the news.
"Brady look at this"
I sat down next to her and watched  the tv


A family of 3 has been involved in a major car crash this morning. We haven't heard much about the family but we know they are in bad condition at the hospital. They seemed to have had a daughter who was sat in the back of the age of 16 who was what looked like on a road trip with her family.- screen shows the pic of the car-

My heart stopped.
No this couldn't be happening
My Mum turned to me
"Brady, hey calm down"
"Mum no"
"It might not even be them"
"That's there car!"
I yelled and broke down crying. This can't be happening I can't loose her. Guilt rushed on me as last nights situation came to me. She probably hates me anyway. A tear slipped down my face as I brushed it away with my hand that was shaking.
All of a sudden my mum gets a phone call from Ashley. She quickly answers it and puts the phone on speaker.
"Ashely, are you  all okay? What happened!"
"We are luckily okay but it's Pressley"
I started to cry again
"What is it"
Ashley was sobbing while trying to speak
"The car hit us from behind so it mainly affected her. She is in a coma and in a bad condition I don't know what to do"
"We will catch the next flight to la today and be with you as soon as we can"

I ran to start packing up all my stuff and quickly took a shower and got ready. Before you know it me and my mum are on the plane on the way to the hospital.

Once we got to the hospital me and my mum rushed in and went to check in and find Ashely. Once we saw her we ran up to her and gave her a hug. We were all crying.

"Is she going to be okay?" I asked
"I don't know brady"
"This is Pressley, she's so strong and I know she can fight through this" I replied trying to denial positive.

"Can I see her?"

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