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Brady's POV-

I stayed awake practically all night. i kept having thoughts of what would happen if she didn't remember me and if she did she probably wouldn't want to see me.

It was currently the next morning and we were all sitting around the waiting room waiting for any news possible. All of a sudden a doctor came out of her ward and over to us

"I have some good and bad news for you all"
We all looked at each other and then he carried on
"The has news is that Pressley has lost quite a lot of her memory and might not remember all of you or even none of you. The good news is that she is awake and is doing well"
We all sighed a relief and cane into a group hug
She was okay and that was all that mattered right now.

Ashely POV-

I was nervous. I was expecting the worse and for her to not really know who I am. The doctor told me to come and see her first and I was currently on my way up the stairs.  Once I got there I took a deep breath and slowly walked in to find my daughter lying awake on the bed.

"Hi honey, how you doing"
"mum" she started to cry
I let out a sigh of relief. She must have remembered me
I ran over and gave her a hug while st we both cried

"Your going to be okay"
"What happened?"
"There was an accident honey. But your okay which is what matters right now"
She nodded and wiped her tears
I sat down next to her and talked to her for about 10 minutes to try and keep her distracted from what was happening in the hospital around her. All of a sudden she shot up our her little daydream and turned to me.

"Mom, Brady?!"
thank god she remembered him
"what is it press"
"Where is he, can I see him!?"
"Shh calm down , yes I'll go get him for you"

Brady's POV-

Me and my mum were still sat in the waiting room when all of a sudden Ashley came running over to us.
"Ashley! Is everything okay!?" I shot up
"Brady. She wants you"
I started to cry
"You mean, she Remembers me?"
"Yes honey she does. She wants to see you"
I wiped the tears away and ran up the steps to her room.

Once I got there I knocked on the door and I heard a quiet"come in"

Pressleys POV-

I was confused, very confused. My mom told me I was in some sort of car accident and that I got hurt bad. i felt weird. I couldn't remember anything. It was like a new life. Seeing my mom gave me some comfort knowing she was still here. But something didn't feel right. And then it clicked. Brady.

"Come in"

The door slowly opened to reveal Brady who looked like he had been crying. What was going on?

"Pressley" he wiped another tear away
"Brady's whats wrong?"
"I was worried about you" he came over and hugged me. I hugged back. At that moment everything felt weird but as long as I had brady here with me it was all that mattered.

"Do you hate me?"
"Um- why would I hate you? Your my best friend?!"

Brady's POV-

Then it hit me, she didn't remember the argument. I decided I should probably tell her anyway.

"Oh well basically before all this happened. We sort of had a little argument" I nervously said
"We did?!"
" um yes but I just want you to know that even though you won't remember, I'm sorry"
She pulled me a confused face and I sighed. This was going to be a long journey. But I was going to be with her the whole way...

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