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Brady's POV-

"Brady wake up!"
I gave up after a while and opened my eyes party to see a very excited Pressley standing over me.
"Why's re you so hyper this early in the morning?"
"Because today we are going to be spending our last day together at six flags!"
"Wait really!?"
"Yes so get get up!!"

The day couldn't have gone better. We managed to ride almost every roller coaster and now we were currently on our way back to Pressleys. She was asleep resting her head on my shoulder while I played with her hair. One we got home I tried to wake her up but it didn't seem like that was going to happen so I picked her up instead.
I woke her up once we got inside and she went to go get ready before getting into bed. I got in next to her and we both fell asleep with in seconds.

Pressleys POV-

The sunlight that creeped through my blinds woke me up. I groaned and snuggled closer to Brady who was asleep next to me. It was then that I realized that today brady was going back to Miami. A tear slipped down my face as I sniffles into his T-shirt. It really sucked that my best friend lived that far away from me. After a couple minutes Brady had now woken up.

"Press are you crying?"
"Um no"
He lifted up my chin and must have realized my tear stained cheeks as he pulled me in for a hug and whispered "I promise your always have me no matter the distance" and that was enough to make me happy for the moment and I smiled to myself.


It was now later on In the day and I was about to say goodbye to Brady at the airport. I always tell myself I'm not gonna cry but that never seems to go to plan.
I was brought out of my thoughts when there was announcement for boarding for Brady and tricias plane.

"Well I guess this is your cue to go" I sighed
"I promise it won't be long until we see each other again" he smiled down at me
I hugged him tight and then said goodbye to Tricia.
I have Brady one last hug before he left.
"Remember face time everyday!!" I shouted and he turned around and shouted "wouldn't have it any other way" I giggled and turned to my mum who was smiling at me.
"Come on let's go home"
We got back home and already I was missing him. My house felt different and I already felt a sense of loneliness. 

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