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Brady's POV-

It had been a week since I got back home and said goodbye to Pressley. I missed her like crazy but we FaceTimed everyday and that was enough for now.
I was sitting in my room waiting for her to answer the FaceTime call but accept when she picked it up something felt different. She answered and didn't seem her usual self.
"Hey you okay?"
"Yeh I'm good"
"You sure? You can talk to me. You know that"
"I'm just not in the mood today. And my parents want to take a road trip down to see family tomorrow and I'm just not feeling too great"
"Oh well I'm sure your be fine once your there. I know how much you love seeing your family"
"Yeh I guess"

We carried on speaking for the rest of the evening and I tried to cheer her up but it wasn't really working. Instead we ended up arguing because she still wasn't in a good mood. We would sometimes argue but when we did things would always be fine so I never took it too seriously. After 5 minutes of arguing I decided to just end the call and go sleep. She wasn't int the best mood and was just taking it out on me. I sighed as I fell asleep without sending her a goodnight message like I normally would...

Presley's POV-

The FaceTime call ended and I chucked my phone down and got into bed. The reason I am moody is not because I don't feel great it's because I miss him. I miss him so much and it's only been a week. I shouldn't have taken it out on him and now he's going to be upset with me. Ugh your so stupid Pressley. I cried a little and then after giving up waiting for Brady to text me goodnight i sent him a message that read "goodnight, I'm sorry I love you"
It put my phone down and fell asleep.

The next morning to mom woke me up and told me to get ready for the road trip. I was excited to see my family but I hate long road trips. I put on some comfy sweat pants and a hoodie and tied my hair into two French plaits. I finished packing my bag and then helped my dad finish loading the luggage into the car. We were then off on the journey.

So far I had been stuck in the car for 2 hours and it wasn't too bad. I was just listening to music and I didn't bother messaging Brady because it was early and I knew he wouldn't be awake yet and he probably wouldn't want to talk to me anyway because of last night. I was currently snap chatting some of the girls from the team. I missed them so much.

Suddenly I hear the car start swerving and a loud bang. Screams and yelling before everything went black...

hope you guys are enjoying so far!! If you would like to leave any future suggestions let me know!! Xxx
Thank you for all the support as always💛

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