"I can't decide"

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Heya!!Cat here.I know what ur thinking.What the hell is Cat doing is she fucking insane she is working on 3 stories and people want more of it why in fucks name did she make a one shot book-
Okay okay.So,it's a long story,but long story short,I've been diagnosed with a couple mental illnesses yesterday and I've decided that writing stories stresses me out sometimes,and I've also been moving into a new house and preparing for when my step-dad comes back from deployment next month and next week when my dad and my step mother get married.Its hectic to say the least.Ive been taking care of myself and I'm going to go to therapy,but I posted this chapter early because I accidentally made @disbishisgae cry,so this ones for u.Dont worry,it's very wholesome and pure to your liking owo
Have fun reading!!!

Hajime Hinata

I grinned as I choked the hooded individual in front of me.He squirmed and attempted to pry my fingers off of his neck.He kicked his legs as he dangled from the the edge of the rooftop.

"You know,there are many other ways to kill you,but this is just boring."I sighed,shaking my head,"I could throw you into a lake,or feed you poisoned birthday cake,oh!I could bury you alive!But you could crawl out with a knife and kill me when I'm sleeping..."

He continued to claw at my hand,"L-let me go,Hajime!!W-what the h-hell has gotten into you?!I h-h-h-haven't seen you in years a-a-and the s-second y-you see me y-you're attempting to k-kill me!!"

I paused for a moment to think about it,"Honestly,I cant decide whether you should live or die."

"P-please for the love of god don't kill me!"He screamed.

I pondered it for a moment,grinning wildly at him,"Not gonna lie,I'm gonna miss you when you're gone.Bye bye Nagito!"I loosened my grip on his throat,but right when I was about to drop him off of the tall building,he screamed.

"W-WAIT STOP!!W-WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS HAJIME?!"He screamed.I tightened my grip.

"You wanna know why?"I retorted,"YOU WANNA KNOW WHY?!BECAUSE I LOVE YOU GOD DAMNIT!!!"

"W-what?"He asked.

"I can't allow my dumb feelings for you to stop me from living my life.You hate me.Its been years but I can't get over you.And it sucks.So the only way to get rid of them is if-"

"Hajime Hinata.Set me down this instant"He said coldly.For some reason,I obeyed and set him down.

Before I could say or do anything,Nagito gripped my shoulders and smashed his lips into mine.My eyes widened,but I soon melted into the kiss.I wrapped my hands around his waist and he cupped my face in his hands.

The kiss,which felt like an eternity but had only lasted about 10 seconds,ended when Nagito broke it off.

"Hajime Hinata.Why on earth would you ever think I hated you?"Nagito questioned me.

"You never talked to me back then.You always made an effort to avoid me whenever you could."I explained,"So I just assumed-"

"Don't you ever assume anything.Assuming things makes an ass out of u and me."He explained,"I have always been a distant person.The reason I was so much more distant from you was because I had a huge crush on you!I didn't want to disgust you!"

I looked down in shame,"...I'm so sorry Nagito..."I felt absolutely terrible for what I did.Hell,I almost killed Nagito.

I felt a pair of hands on my face.Nagito lifted my face and gave me a quick kiss on the lips,breaking it off and smiling,"It's okay Hajime.I love you too."

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