"Marlabo Nights"

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Nagito Komaeda

I groaned as my alarm blared in my ears.I pressed the off button and sat up,rubbing my eyes.

I went straight to getting ready for school.I threw on my uniform and fixed myself a bagel.I put it in my mouth and grabbed my school bag,rushing towards school.

I finished my bagel on the way and went to class extremely early as I usually was.I looked out of the window over to the reserve course building and watched all of the students enter.

From a distance I could recognize the signature spiky brown hair of my best friend from the crowd.I smiled to myself as I thought of the boy.

Hajime Hinata is his name.We met a year ago after Hinata-Kun offered to walk me back to my dorm since I didn't have an umbrella when it was raining.

After a couple months I realized I caught feelings for him.But I'm positive he has feelings for Nanami-San.I sighed as I thought about the two being together.I know I should be happy for them but it still makes me upset.

I brushed it off and took out one of my sketchbooks,silently sketching Hinata-Kun.I wasn't paying attention,so when Nanami-San walked over and asked me what I was drawing it scared the heck out of me.

"N-Nanami-San,thank goodness it was just you."I sighed in relief.

"...I'm sorry,I didn't mean to scare you,Nagito."She said as she peaked over at my drawing,"Is that Hajime?Thats really good,Nagito..."

My face heated up in embarrassment.I closed the sketchbook and slid it back into my bag.
"T-thank you..."I mumbled.

"Hey Nagito,would you like to come to the arcade today with Hajime and I?We're gonna go after school today..."Nanami explained.

"Sure!Id love to!"I smiled.Nanami nodded and smiled,"Okay then,see you at lunch,Nagito!"

She walked back to her seat and pulled out her PSP,playing some more games.I just chuckled to myself,then getting a book thrown at my face.I looked back in confusion and saw students throwing things at each other after a fight broke out just then.

I rubbed my cheek and set the book on my desk."Dusk Til Dawn,huh?"I mumbled to myself,"Seems interesting enough..."

I opened the book and started reading.It was about a boy who meets two students from a different course and become friends.The boy along the way meets many different people and he can't decide who he likes.(Psst,hey,hey you.Go check out TheFamousShipper Her stories are awesome,especially Dusk Til Dawn!)

I read until I saw the teacher come in.I slid the book into my bag and we got started with class.

~T I M E S K I P~

I sighed as I ran my hand through my hair.School was extremely stressful,but it was worth it if I could hang out with Hinata-Kun and Nanami-San again.

I walked towards the school gate where Nanami and Hinata were both waiting for me.

"Ko!Hey!How was school?"Hinata-Kun approached me,enveloping me in a hug.

I hugged him back,"As uneventful as ever."He just smiled and ruffled my hair.We all started to walk towards the arcade together,occasionally chatting about different subjects like school lunches,dreams,exc.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2020 ⏰

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