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Y/n; I'll go to the swype tomorrow
Lilhuddy: nooo
Y/n: what ?
Lilhuddy: Charli it's gonna go
Y/n: and ? I will not be with you and also you can go with her to another place god
Payt: chill princess
Josh: don't call her like that
Payt: she is my gf
Josh: and she is my sister
Y/n: stop
Faith: that's your fault
Y/n: it's not my fucking fault
Faith: it it's, and also it's your fault that your dad use your for fame
Josh: don't say that
Bryce: you can't talk like that to her
Faith: oh wow I'm so scared
Y/n: ugh I know you are the fucking sister of my boyfriend but damn sometimes you are so fucking annoying if you are jealous of me it's ok I'm fine with that but don't come here and say that it's my fault that my dad use me for clout because it's not ! I didn't told him that he can use me to make money ! You don't even know what it's like living my life and I look like I don't give a fuck but I do I have feeling like you Faith I have feeling like everyone on this world and you don't even know how much your words hurt me you are 18 and I'm 16 maybe you think I have too much for my age but that's what it is like, maybe I'm younger than you but maybe my brain it's older than yours.
Bryce: wow
Lilhuddy: damn
Josh: woah
Faith: I-I'm sorry
Y/n: stop saying that the last time you said the same and look we are here again, do u just think I'm not good enough for your brother ? Or you just hate me ?
Payt: y/n stop
Y/n: what should I stop payton ? You should maybe stop your sister of making hurt my feelings *she took her things and went outside, she started tearing up and then Bryce and Josh came outside*
Bryce: oh no no don't cry
Y/n: what do i have to do to make all good ?
Josh: no look we can't make everyone happy, there's gonna be people that will hate you and there's people that will love you
Y/n: she is my sister in law and she hates me
Josh: who cares?
Y/n: me
Bryce: come here little bean *he said as he opened his arms to her and she hugged him*
Bryce: it's gonna be ok
Josh: we are here for you ok ? No matter what we are your family and maybe your best friends
Y/n: agh I love you guys
Bryce: we love you too *they hugged each other, then a car came and Jaden came running out of it*
Jaden: y/n what happened?
Y/n: Jaden ? *she ran to him and hugged him like they haven't seen in years*
Jaden: I'm here it's gonna be ok, I'm not gonna leave you alone anymore
Y/n: promise ?
Jaden: promise
Josh: why don't you marry him already ? Like
Bryce: exactly like already had babies and all those stuff  *jaden and y/n looked at each other and laughed*
Jaden: us ?
Y/n: nahhh
Jaden: we are actually married as best friends forever
Y/n: facts
Bryce: he makes you happy
Y/n: payton too
Bryce: yeah but not like Jaden does
Jaden: I think that best friends make each other happy in a different way that any person can do
Y/n: right ? It's like if we are depressed only we can make each other happy
Jaden: yeaaah
Y/n: jaden you can go with Mads
Jaden: she said it was ok
Y/n: Im ok now, so go with your gf
Jaden: if you need something just call
Y/n: ok byee luv you dork
Jaden: luv you too *he said as he started the car and went to Mads house*
Y/n: now let's go inside and act like bad bitches
Josh: it's weird if you say it and we are boys
Bryce: Josh don't ruin the moment
Y/n: exactly *they went inside and y/n took her glass of wine*
Faith: I'm sorry y/n
Y/n: cool
Faith: come on y/n
Y/n: what i say cool
Faith: I'm sorry
Y/n: ok faith
Lilhuddy: i like your purge
Y/n: thanks it's Kate Spade
Faith: woah I'll love to have one of those
Y/n: don't you have one ?
Faith: no my mom buys me Burberry
Y/n: oh...well take *she handed faith her handbag*
Josh: what are you doing y/n ?
Y/n: letting her my handbag why ?
Josh: are you crazy ?
Y/n: if she treats me bad I'll treat her good, here queen all yours *she put the hand bag on faith legs*
Faith: thank you
Y/n: no problem
Bryce: how does she do that ?
Y/n: what ?
Bryce: being cool to people even tho you hate her
Y/n: it's easy
Payt: um y/n ?
Y/n: payton ?
Payt: come with me
Y/n: ok *he took her hand and they went outside*
Payt: I'm sorry for my sister
Y/n: no it's ok, let's go inside
Payt: no wait I'm sorry for real
Y/n: babe it's not your fault I'm ok
Payt: I think you hate me
Y/n: what ? Tf ? No i don't i love you
Payt: you mean the world to me and I don't want to loose you
Y/n: oh god payton you won't loose me, stop saying those things
Payt: but what if I loose you for something stupid?
Y/n: i mean you always do stupid things *they laughed* but you will not loose me I mean if you want to mess up with me then it's your problem but I'll not go anywhere I promise
Payt: I love you y/n
Y/n: i love you too payton
Payt: let's go inside
Y/n: yeah please it's cold *they went inside and everyone was already eating*
Y/n: you guys couldn't wait for us ?
Josh: we were hungry
Bryce: and you had to fix your problems
Dad: problems ?
Joanne: payton come and eat
Payt: I'm not hungry
Joanne: payton ! You haven't eat since you woke up
Y/n: what ?
Payt: freak mom !
Joanne: sorry
Y/n: come sit down next to me and eat all that plate of food
Payt: I'm not hungry
Y/n: payton
Payt: y/n
Y/n: eat your freaking food
Payt: you are acting like my mom
Josh: she will till you eat the food
Y/n: exactly
Payt: I already ate
Faith: when ?
Payt: I ate chick-fil-a with Parker
Bryce: I don't believe him
Faith: me either
Payt: nvm I'll go to my room, I'm sorry Hudson and Richards bye *he went upstairs*
Bryce: y/n
Y/n: what ?
Lilhuddy: you are supposed to go with him
Y/n: no ? I'm hungry
Josh: pig
Y/n: thank you
Lilhuddy: no but Fr go with him
Joanne: please y/n make my son eats
Y/n: fineee *she went upstairs to payton room and he was smoking*
Y/n: payton ?
Payt: fuck
Y/n: what is that ?
Payt: nothing
Y/n: Payton wtf it's that ?
Payt: nothing y/n
Y/n: payton tell me !
Payt: it's nothing god
Y/n: I'm not stupid payton that's a freaking ju*l
Payt: so ? What's bad with that ?
Y/n: give me that *he gave her the ju*l* if I use this how would you feel ?
Payt: bad and sad
Y/n: well that's how I feel, now why didn't you tell me of this ?
Payt: because no one knows
Y/n: god payton, do you smoke something more than this ?
Payt: ehh...
Y/n: what ?
Payt: cigarettes sometimes
Y/n: holy hell ok so this is why you don't eat ?
Payt: kinda
Y/n: jeez payton, i don't even know what to do
Payt: don't tell my mom or anyone please
Y/n: i have to
Payt: no babe please no
Y/n: What if this get worse ?
Payt: no it will not
Y/n: idk payton
Payt: please don't tell them
Y/n: but payton
Payt: baby please
Y/n: Im sorry i have to
Payt: please no *she went downstairs, she was kinda tearing up* po I ishe yshe o
Josh: what did he do to you ?
Bryce: where is him ?
Lilhuddy: i have to beat him up ?
Y/n: Joanne i need to talk to you
Joanne: yeah ?
Y/n: come with me *they went outside*
Joanne: what's wrong sweetie?
Y/n: payton umm...he is um smoking
Joanne: What ?! What it's he doing ?
Y/n: smoking
Joanne: oh god, I guess it's ok
Y/n: what ?! I'm sorry but are you ok ? He is 16 years old
Joanne: ok Im his mother so if you don't like smoking just break up with him and that's it
Y/n: i won't break up with him god *payton went outside*
Payt: there you are
Y/n: i have to go
Payt: no wait
Joanne: I'll go inside *she went inside the house*
Payt: y/n I promise you that it's not that bad
Y/n: it's not that bad payton ? You are smoking
Payt: I know but it have an end
Y/n: When ?! When you die for that ?!
Payt: why are you like this ? It's just a ju*l
Y/n: it's just a ju*l it's the freaking same thing that josh said
Payt: what does josh have to be in this?
Y/n: Josh smoked when he was 14 years old it got so bad till the point that my dad had to look for someone to help him to get out of that and he said the same it's just a ju*l y/n nothing will happen
Payt: I-I didn't knew that
Y/n: now you know, and that would probably don't change anything, but anyways just don't do it in front of me and I guess it's your life if you are happy doing that then good for you payton
Payt: why are you talking like you are breaking up with me ? Stop talking like that
Y/n: what ?! I'm talking like a normal person
Payt: look y/n I'm good smoking
Y/n: good, Im going to my house
Payt: are you just gonna go mad at me ?
Y/n: Im not even mad, I'm sad I'm upset *payton didn't say nothing and hugged her and she hugged him back, he rubbed her back and gave a kiss on her forehead*
Payt: Let's scape
Y/n: what ?
Payt: let's scape of here
Y/n: to where ?
Payt: idk to anywhere
Y/n: payton do you have fever ?
Payt: no I don't come on princess
Y/n: paytonn I'll be grounded for life
Payt: babeeee
Y/n: fine *they ran to payton car and he started the car and they went to the airport*
Y/n: now ?
Payt: ehh...idk
Y/n: look theres a flight to LA
Payt: I don't want to go to LA
Y/n: gosh ehh...Fiji ?
Payt: nah
Y/n: Florida ?
Payt: yeah that's better
Y/n: you are basic
Payt: well I'm sorry rich girl
Y/n: you are rich too so don't say much
Payt: right
Y/n: so when we get to Florida, where are we gonna stay ?
Payt: I have a house near to the beach
Y/n: oook, gosh I'm cold
Payt: I don't have a hoodie but take my jacket *he out his jacket on her*
Y/n: thank you
Payt: no problem
Y/n: so you have to buy the tickets
Payt: yeah wait here *he went to buy the tickets and someone yelled y/n name she turned around and saw...*

A/n: heyy, so this doesn't have nothing to do with the story but josh and nessa broke up and I'm so broke like I know they need to focus on their mental health but like they are my favorite couple and gooosh I'm gonna cry again😭 the video that josh posted on his YT channel was so ahh the way they look at each other it's just wow so cute:( I love you guys. Remember to spread love and not negativity ❤️

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