Florida 🌴🍸

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*she saw Jaden and Nessa, they ran to her*
Y/n: what are y'all doing here ?
Jaden: payton call us
Nessa: and you didn't think you will scape without your best friends
Y/n: i mean
Jaden-Nessa: Y/N
Y/n: what ? I didn't thought in that god *then Payton went to them*
Payt: I have the tickets
Jaden: my second trip with my son uh ?
Payt: second trip with my dad
Nessa: my like eighteen trip with my bestie
Y/n: no like twenty or more
Payt: god y'all fly way too much
Y/n: yeah
Nessa: idk but I'll stay go with y/n in the plane
Payt: fineeee, we will go in first class
Jaden: normal
Y/n: wait they are gonna ask us for our bags what are we gonna say ?
Nessa: ehh...idk
Payt: we can say they already arrived to Florida
Jaden: that's intelligent
Y/n: ok let's go check in and all those stuffs *they went to check-in and went inside the plane, Nessa and y/n were together, Jaden and Payton were together, the plane started and a stewardess approached Nessa and Y/n*
Stewardess: good night lady's
Y/n: goodnight
Nessa: night
Stewardess: do y'all need something?
Y/n: yes, you see those boys there  *she pointed to Jaden and Payton*
Stewardess: yeah
Nessa: so they told us they want wine
Stewardess: ok
Y/n: so get them 2 glasses of wine and please tell them that maybe rain it's coming
Stewardess: ok ? *she went confused to the cabin and took two glasses of wine to them and told them that maybe rain was coming and they got scared, y/n and nessa laughed and then they realized it was them, Payton stand up and went to y/n*
Y/n: hi babyy
Payt: hi princess, I'm just here to let you know that me and Jaden will pay you back
Y/n: it was the idea of nessa
Nessa: it was of y/n
Payt: we will pay you both
Y/n: no bae no pleasee
Payt: byee
Y/n: nooo *he went with Jaden and sat down, they arrived to Florida and went to payton house on the beach, it was already morning on Florida*
Jaden: I like the view
Y/n: you do ?
Jaden: yes
Y/n; you are my best view  *they laughed*
Nessa: i need a swimwear
Y/n: same
Payt: go shopping then
Y/n: I'll call the limo
Jaden: no go on payton car
Nessa: Josh It's calling me
Y/n: answer *she answered and put it on speaker*
Josh: where are you ?
Nessa: on Florida
Josh: are you with y/n ?
Nessa: yeah
Y/n: hiiii
Josh: come back home
Y/n: nah
Josh: dad it's worried
Jaden: he is always worried but never seems like it
Y/n: exactly
Josh: just come back home
Y/n: no
Payt: we are save here
Josh: payton ?!
Payt: yeah I'm here too
Josh: y'all are so dumb
Nessa: thank you byeee love you *she hang out*
Y/n: nessa let's go shopping
Nessa: ok *they went out on payton car to the mall*

Payton and Jaden POV
Jaden: ok so what are we gonna do to pay them back ?
Payt: what's y/n worst fear ?
Jaden: snakes
Payt: and nessa's ?
Jaden: snakes as well
Payt: I'll bring two big snakes
Jaden: are you sure of that ?
Payt: yeah
Jaden: and then ?
Payt: I'll hide one on Y/n closet and other one on Nessa closet
Jaden: ok *they went to take the snakes and hide them, then the girls arrived with a lot of bags, of Gucci, LV, Burberry, Dolce & Gabana and more *
End of Jaden and Payton POV

Payt: oh wow
Y/n: hi
Payt: hey
Jaden: y'all said you were gonna buy swimwear
Nessa: I'll go to put this on my closet
Y/n: yeah me too *they went to their closest and ran downstairs screaming, y/n was crying, the boys were laughing*
Payt: aww they are scared
Nessa: y'all just got on our nerves the prank war started
Jaden: oh fuck
Payt: nah they can't do anything
Jaden: last time I ended up with a broke arm
Nessa: and a broke nose
Payt: oh fuck
Y/m: c-Can someone get that snake out of my room ? *then payton realized that y/n was shaking and crying*
Payt: babe sit down
Y/n: just get that snake out of my room it's scary
Jaden: y/n sit down please you will have a panic attack
Nessa: here water *she handed y/n a bottle of water, payton and Jaden ran upstairs to take the snakes out of their rooms and then gave them to the people that know how to treat snakes*
Payt: ready they are gone
Nessa: good
Y/n: i hate both of you for real
Jaden: I'm sorry
Y/n: still hate you
Payt: I'm sorry
Y/n: yeah i don't hate you much but I'll pay you back
Payt: that's good for me *he went and hug her from behind*
Nessa: now i miss josh
Jaden: and I miss Mads
Y/n: so you and Mads are officially dating or ?
Jaden: yeah
Nessa-y/n: YES GOD  *all of them laughed*
Payt: congrats brotha
Jaden: thanks
Y/n: congrats step brother
Jaden: haha thanks
Nessa: well congrats sir hossler
Jaden: thanks lady Barret
Y/n: i will go change i wanna go to the beach
Payt: let's go on a yacht
Nessa: Im down
Jaden: me too
Y/n: only if I can surf
Payt: that sounds like a plan
Y/n: yes *she kissed him and went upstairs to change*

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