"stay with me"

974 20 14

4 years later

Y/n: payton come play with your daughter she is mad at me
Payt: why is she mad at you ?
Y/n: i broke one her dolls hehe
Payt: again ?
Y/n: it was an accident I don't know how to treat dolls
Payt: with careful y/n
Y/n: it was her favorite doll
Payt: you better go buy her another one
Y/n: yeah but not now i have to go to the office
Maya: DAD I hit my toe ! *she came running inside crying, Payton pick her up*

Payt: it's gonna be ok sweetie
Maya: but it hurts so much
Payt: well I told you to put shoes when you play
Maya: i have socks
Payt: it will still hurt, I told you shoes
Y/n: payton she is 3 years old
Payt: mentally she is 5 years old
Y/n: she is still little
Maya: can i eat ice cream ?
Y/n: no you cant, you haven't eat your lunch
Maya: please mom
Y/n: no
Maya: dad ?
Y/n: payton don't
Payt: if your mom says no it's no
Maya: please just a little bit
Payt: what about we go out to eat some nuggets ?
Y/n: she ate nuggets yesterday she have to eat something healthy
Payt: that's protein, healthy
Y/n: babe- fine but if she gets sick it's your fault
Payt: she will not get sick- why is it always my fault?
Maya: why is my last name moormeier and not Richards ?
Payt: wait- you don't like my last name?
Y/n: bye i will probably stay at the office, remember we have family dinner today with your and my mom
Payt: yeah I know I remember it and I have to stay at the studio, it's the babysitter coming today or ?
Y/n: she have to
Payt: ok, bye darling I love you have a great day at work
Y/n: bye beb i love you too
Maya: bye mommy
Y/n: bye sweetie be careful and don't make your dad angry ok ?
Maya: ok, I luv you
Y/n: i love you too      *you gave her a little kiss on her cheek, and one to Payton you went to work and all that, you come home maya it's with the babysitter playing Payton hasn't arrived yet*

Maya: MOOOM      *she runs up to you and hugs you, you hug her back*

Y/n: I've missed you so much
Maya: me too mom, dad bought me a little princess
Y/n: really ?
Maya: yes, and I have new hoodies
Y/n: you closet it's full of hoodies, but it's fine
The babysitter: maya let's go get you dressed, you will see your grandma today
Maya: yay     *they went to maya's room to her ready , while you go upstairs to get ready make a lot of calls to payton but he doesn't answer. When you are all ready he opens the door of the room*

Y/n: where were you ?
Payt: I was in the studio, I'm sorry I'm late
Y/n: just a little bit it's not like you are almost three hours late
Payt: it's 10 pm
Y/n: yah we were supposed to be there at 9
Payt: I can get ready fast, give me 5 minutes and I'm ready
Y/n: I'll wait for you downstairs with maya
Payt: I love you
Y/n: i love you too but get ready      *he gives you a kiss on your cheek, you go downstairs with maya, she is ready*

Y/n: where were you ? Payt: I was in the studio, I'm sorry I'm lateY/n: just a little bit it's not like you are almost three hours late Payt: it's 10 pm Y/n: yah we were supposed to be there at 9 Payt: I can get ready fast, give me 5 minutes and I...

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*that's what she look like*

Y/n:  maya you look so cute with that on
Maya: thanks you mommy
Y/n: ok bye  Sofía (ig that's ten babysitter name)

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