If I told you...

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If you could fall in love...
Without consequences,
without repercussions...
would you do it?

The sun shone bright almost blinding as Yamada walked down the busy streets toward his daily routine. Pausing shortly at the stop light to admire the scenery of the morning. He usually drove to work, however today it proved to be difficult since his car had a flat and was currently sitting in the shop until the end of the week.

'Quiet day,' he thought as the U.A came into his view. Casting a last glance toward the sky Yamada smiled softly and disappeared into the building.

"Present Mic," a voice greeted as he turned down a hall. Looking up from his paperwork he currently had under his nose Yamada came face to face with a colleague, Allmight.

"Hey what's up?" Yamada questioned as he came to a hault in front of the faculty office. Allmight just started teaching a few months ago as well as just retiring a few weeks ago. So he figured Allmight was still struggling to get into the groove of the school.

"A few of the guys and I were going out for drinks tonight," Allmight starts rubbing his neck sheepishly, "you want to come as well?" Frowning Yamada sighed looking over the stack of papers in his hands from the night before.

"Rain check," Yamada replies as he heard footsteps coming down the hall, "too much to catch up on." Nodding in understanding Allmight let Yamada go on to his classroom so he could get ready for the day. Walking into his class Yamada sat down in his seat in front and sighed the weight of his nightly life catching up to him quicker than he'd like for it to. It's been a good minute since he's had a decent nights rest due to patrols doubling up on top of his radio station hours as well. It's starting to affect his daily life now and that was something he had to fix before-

"Mic" a rough voice broke Yamada from his train of thought. Looking over at the door his long time friend Aizawa stood wrapped in his cocoon of a sleeping bag. Yamada wondered how he was able to teach when he barely put in any effort, then again it was Aizawa the guy was always on top of it whenever the villians targeted his students. A true hero, someone Yamada admired and strived to be similar to. Not quite like him but close enough.

"Hey Eraser," Yamada grinned as he stood from his seat checking time.

'Class should've started by now, where was everyone?' He questioned as he had a stare down with Aizawa.

"Didn't you get the email?" Aizawa questioned leaning up against the frame of the door. "Classes were canceled today due to a few parents complaining about the recent villian attacks," Yamada liked to kick himself for not checking his emails before he came to school. This was much needed time to catch up on everything for the following day.

"Guess I forgot," Yamada chuckled cleaning up his desk to go home.

"You talk to Allmight," Aizawa questioned as the two of them walked down the hall.

"Yeah, invited me out for drinks"


"I declined," Yamada said walking a little further than Aizawa did. Aizawa frowned slightly behind his friend but said nothing as he watched Yamada walk out of the build back toward his humble abode.

"Hey Aizawa?" Midnight said catching up to one of her close friends, "ready for drinks? My treat of course" turning toward her Aizawa sighed but nodded anyway as she drug him away.

Yamada walked inside his home seeing his cat, Dusty right where he always was whenever he left the house. Smiling down at his cat Yamada gave his daily scratches and tummy rubs before walking further into the home dumping off his shoes in the entrance. In the kitchen Yamada checked Dusty's food bowl to see it empty. Making quick work Yamada filled up the bowl and proceeded on toward the table piling all of his paperwork from both his hero work and his teachings on the tabletop.

"What a day," Yamada grumbles as he took the gel out of his hair and pulling it back into a messy half bun replacing his hero suit and shades with a oversized sweater with a cat on the front and his reading glasses. Walking back to the table Yamada got started on his work.

Hours pass quickly as Yamada got lost in his work even planning the rest of the week for patrolling as well as his radio station talks he usually did every night for the next week. Checking the clock it ticked by at exactly 7:45p.m. deciding on calling it a day Yamada left every thing on the table and walked toward the kitchen to fix himself something for dinner. In the kitchen Yamada started up the stove to make a quick meal of spaghetti. Grabbing everything he needed to cook he sat his mind on the current objective.

~A few moments later~

"That outta do it," Yamada said as he put the finishing touches on his spaghetti. As he began plating his dinner the doorbell rang then was followed by several pounding knocks. Frowning Yamada turned off the stove and walked toward the door picking up Dusty along the way. The pounding cominced the closer Yamada got to the door. Frowning he opened the door to a slumped over Aizawa being drugged by an angry Enji.

"He's your problem now," Enji growled clearly pissed to have brought him to Yamada's house. Sighing Yamada told him to place Aizawa on the couch as he made his way toward the kitchen to plate food for Aizawa as well as himself.

"Let yourself out," Yamada said as he heard the door open and slam shut. "As rude as always," turning to grab some garlic butter for the bread Yamada screamed accidentally activating his quirk causing Aizawa fo to glare at the blonde in turn activating his as well.

"Hizashi," Aizawa grumbles as he sluggishly moves to the table. "Its just me,"

'That's the problem,' Yamada thought as he sat a plate in front of the waiting Aizawa, 'it is you,' Aizawa stared at the food in front of him waiting as Yamada grabs his plate as well. Sitting across from Aizawa Yamada began to sweat. Neither saying anything as they are their meals in peace.

"Thanks for the meal," Aizawa mumbled as he rose from the chair walking back toward the living room. Placing both plates in the sink for tomorrow Yamada walked into the living room only to find Aizawa passed out on his couch. Sighing he went and grabbed a few blankets and place them over top his best friend after a few minutes. Lingering in the moonlight Yamada watched Aizawa's chest rise and fall in the familiar pattern he grew to learn over the years. Walking over to the male he propped himself up against the couch looking out at the stars.

"You know," Yamada began, "I was told I'd never make friends for people would find me annoying, but you didn't." He paused looking over at Aizawa still sleeping. "I'm glad I have you in my life Shota. Goodnight," placing a hesitant kiss on his forehead Yamada turned in for the night unaware that Aizawa was awake the entire time. After a few moments Aizawa opened his eyes.

"If only huh?" Aizawa mumbled as he placed a hand over his forehead, "maybe in another life then," a lone tear fell as Aizawa went to sleep for real.

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