I'm sorry...

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Request: shiynxs

"Can you shut up and listen to me for five seconds?!" Shinso snapped as he stood in front of his childish boyfriend of 6 months. The relationship was a dangerous one Hitoshi knew that but, he enjoyed it. The thrill of living on both sides of the law being an informant by day and a lover by night, however, recently the relationship was going south quick. As the all out war grew closer by the day Tomura had other plans, plans that didn't involve Hitoshi in the slightest. Tomura narrowed his eyes at the teen while dragging his nails across his damaged neck reopening up old wounds.

"This doesn't concern you," Tomura growled as his eyes glared into Hitoshi's. Hitoshi on the other hand wasn't backing down either and stepped toward him. Standing nose to nose Hitoshi glared that much harder back into Tomura's. Neither one saying anything or backing down from their side. The rest of the league watched on in concern for both sides. Over the last few months the league had grown to like the purple headed teen who seem to have wormed his way into the heartless leader life. 

"Doesn't concern me," Hitoshi spat through gritted teeth, "remind me who got you information from the inside? Who turned there back on everyone to please your ungrateful ass?" Tomura's eyes grew colder by the minute as Hitoshi poked at his insecurities. Tomura didn't need to be told that, he knew how much Hitoshi's efforts benefited he plans. Yet, he would never tell him to his face just how valuable he was to his plans. So, instead of telling him what needed to be said to end this pointless fight Tomura decided to poke at Hitoshi's insecurities back. 

"Not like you had anyone to begin with," Tomura snapped scratching at his neck once more, something he used as his coping skill whenever anything didn't go his way. That was what everyone thought that he did it because he could, but that wasn't the case though, the reason he did it for the simple fact that he was anxious and stricken with fear, fear that Hitoshi would leave and he wouldn't come back this time. Over the last few months Hitoshi had, whether he wanted to admit it or not, found a permanent place within Tomura's heart and he didn't want to lose the warmth that only the purple head could provide him with. 

Hitoshi on the other hand was losing the battle to stay. For months Tomura poked at his wounds whenever the opportune moment arrived and in the beginning he would brush it off and ignore it. Lately though, Hitoshi was finding more and more reasons to leave and let the deranged man go than to stay. Use to it would be for ever new reason to leave Hitoshi would find three reasons to stay and it would somehow smooth over the rough patch of the relationship. The threats and insults just kept coming and now Hitoshi is struggling to even find one reason to stay for the many reasons to leave. As the insults piled up Hitoshi stood desperately looking for a reason, even if it was just one, to keep hanging on. 

"More than what you have," Hitoshi snapped back instantly regretting his comeback as Tomura went stiff. That was the one thing Hitoshi was requested not to bring up no matter what; even the league members told him to avoid it. 

"Get out," Tomura growled turning away from Hitoshi.

"Let's be reasonable Tomura Shigaraki," Kurogiri said calmly as Hitoshi felt as if he was hit with a bulldozer. Tomura made no attempt to turn back though and continued to walk to the bar sitting down at his normal seat.

"Yeah," Toga jumped in, "without him we won't know when to strike the heroes." Dabi sat silently watching a good thing fall apart like so many other good things he's seen end in a fit of rage.

"I said get out," Tomura spat willing Hitoshi back to life. Having nothing to say Hitodhi made his way toward the door pausing momentarily.

"If I leave it's for good," Hitoshi states hovering a hand over the door handle. "I won't come back," the words echoed the room as nobody made any moves. Hitoshi's voice once full of so much emotion was now void of any. The dam finally broke and the months of fixing the relationship by himself was over.

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