Spoiled? Maybe...

34 4 1

Request by: shiynxs

Hawks sat in Enji's office watching him finish up on some paperwork for the night bored.

"Say Endeavor-san?" Hawks started as he got Enji's attention for a moment. "Do you think we can get chicken nuggets for dinner tonight?" Enji's eye twitched in irritation as he struggled to control his remark. Deciding it was best to let the comment go Enji went back to working on the paperwork that was piled up for a few days. Hawks frowned at the lack of a response hopping up off the couch in the corner of the office. Walking around Enji's desk Hawks peaked over his shoulder at what it was Enji was doing.

"Shouldn't you be working?" Enji questioned casting a quick glance up at one of his many colleagues. The male was a good pro but it was his abrasive personality that would get him into trouble some day. Hawks was know to be the kid that was too fast for his own good. Truth be told that concerned Enji a bit not that he'd ever admit it to him. Hawks grinned wrapping his arms around the back of his neck.

"Aw don't bite my head off Endeavor-san," Hawks grin never faltering, "I'm all done for the day." and with that simple statement Hawks was back to being his playful cheery self. Sighing Enji paid him no mind getting back to work.

"I'm almost finished," Enji states not once looking up from his work, "I'll take you then," Hawks eyes lit up as he heard this satisfied.

"Alright," he replied walking back to the couch and plopping down on it before he flinched. He accidentally sat on one of his feathers causing pain. Enji watched Hawks out of the corner of his eye. Hawks unaware began to pull out the loose feathers and straighten his wings back out smoothing them down. Enji watched for a few more minutes before continuing on his work.

After a few hours Enji was finished and caught up with all of his work.

"Alright Hawks," Enji started standing up from his chair. "Let's go," a few seconds go by with no response looking over toward the couch Enji's frozen heart melted a little bit. There swawed out across the couch Hawks was out cold asleep. Walking around the desk Enji walked over to Hawks stopping shortly of the couch studying  his features. Hawks was sleeping peacefully as drool dribbles down the side of his wide open mouth. Shaking his head Enji grabbed a spare blanket he kept in his office for late night work days. Draping the blanket over his colleague Enji went to pack up for the night. The clock on his desk read 10:23pm and Enji still needed to eat something. Checking his phone Enji seen he had 4 missed calls from Fuyumi and a voicemail from the hospital that Rei was currently at. His heart sank a bit fearing the worst so he quickly called the hospital.

"Dr." Enji greeted after the doctor answered the call. "What's wrong with my wife?" He demanded as his heart beat loudly in his ear. Silence went on and the sound of his heart grew louder until he heard it.

"Mr. Todoroki calm down," the dr replied, "your wife is fine. I was calling to give you the monthly update you requested." Upon hearing this Enji's pulse calm down greatly though he felt as if he had aged a few decades in the last few mintues.

"Well get on with it," Enji barked covering up the relief he felt in that moment. "I'm a busy man you know,"

"Right, so your wife, Rei Todoroki, has been adjusting to her new medication splendidly. She hasn't had any episodes recently, and we are moving her from solitary confinement to a shared room though it is empty right now." Enji felt many emotions rise to the surface with pride front center. He always was proud of his wife, to be able to keep up with him wasn't something just anyone could say and mean it. She was strong in her own ways and it really showed whenever she would sit up waiting for him to come home in the beginning of their marriage. However, power became his sole priority and it showed how much it affected her.

"Anything else?" He questioned drumming his fingers on the dark oak desk waiting for more reasons to be proud of her. Not that he needed to be reminded, she reminded him every day she lived. She was a fighter something he loved about her. She was both strong willed and loving, and he broke her.

"No sir," the dr. said as movement out of Enji's peripheral vision caused his to tense up. Not bothering to say more Enji hung up the phone making a mental note to go see Rei and bring her, her favorite flower.

"So," Hawks started rubbing sleep from his eyes. "Chicken nuggets now?" Cocking his head to the side Hawks gave a look that Enji swore would be the death of him. Giving a firm nod Hawks jumped from his seat on the couch and made his way toward the door all the while chanting 'chicky nuggies, chicky nuggies'.

"Have you even gone one day without eating chicken nuggets?" Hawks came to a skiddish hault turning back to Enji like he just admitted that he was retiring.

"No, why would you ask me that?!" Hawks panicked. Narrowing his eyes Enji walked past Hawks without so much as a side glance.

"You don't see this as a problem?" Enji pondered out loud as the two males made their way down the street. Hawks perched his lips together in thought before turning to Enji fully.

"I could have a different sauce this time?" Enji cocked a brow at the way Hawks was trying to compromise his way into having Chicken nuggets for dinner.

"That's not any better Hawks," Enji added as the rest of the walk was quiet. Enji enjoying the quietness and Hawks generally concern about not eating Chicken nuggets. The restaurant was packed still Enji waited as Hawks talked his ear off about some lowlife thug he caught earlier that day. After ordering the food the males went to sit down to enjoy their dinners.

"Thank you Endeavor-San," Hawks praised as he ate the first nugget happy as can be. Enji watched silently as he ate his salad.

'I need to stop spoiling him,' Enji thought as the look appeared on Hawks' face again.

'ehh, what's one more day?'

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