A Little Love Part 1

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Just a little something for y'alls day. Don't kill me.

Mineta Minoru...

A lot has been said about this guy and not all being good things either. However, there is one person who says otherwise. 

"Hey Mineta," Kendo smiled as she stood outside of his classroom waiting for him to come out. He seen her and smiled as he walked over toward her ignoring all of his classmates. She was the only one to give him a second glance the first time he ever hit on her and they became good friends after. As time went on the more he realized that he liked her more than that so he got up the courage to ask her out and wouldn't you know she said yes. Together for three weeks he was the happiest he had ever been. 

"Hey Kendo," he replied cursing his lipase for being so out there, "Were you waiting long?" she just shook her head smiling and knelt down toward him to give him this daily affections. 

"I just got here," she replied as she placed a soft gentle kiss on his forehead. It wasn't that she didn't want to be open about their relationship, but Mineta always stopped her. Nodding satisfied she wasn't waiting long he waited for her to get back to her feet. 

"Hey since it's the weekend you want to maybe watch a movie with me tonight?" he asked nervously scratching his cheek. He never could get over the fact that a real girl wanted to be seen with him anywhere really. Kendo on the other hand lit up at the opportunity to spend even more time with her boyfriend in public. 

"Yes," she replied excited as she began planning the whole night in her head as the two began walking down the hallway toward the exit. 

"Uh Kendo," Mineta said when she didn't answer his question a little concerned he messed up in some way. Brought out of her trance she looked down at him with a concern of her own matching his for the same reason, that she had messed up some how. "You didn't answer my question," she blushed embarrassed that she completely forgot he was there for a moment. 

"I'm sorry," she apologized, "can you repeat it i wasn't listening," she hoped she didn't mess the date up. He smile up at her as she was nervously fidgeting with her hair, he always admired that about her; the way he could make her feel that was actually genuine and not forced. 

"I asked if you wanted to go out or have a movie night in the dorms?" her eyes went wide in shock, "Of course either way I'll be happy just spending time with you Kendo," it was now her turn to be embarrassed again, he could be a sweet talker when he wanted to be so she wasn't sure why he didn't have a girlfriend before now. 

"Can we go out?" she shyly asked as she looked down at him as they made it outside the school only to see him on his phone. 

"Of course," he said pressing just a few more buttons as he looked up at her, "just checking on movies playing right now at the cinema. Also do you want to eat before we go to the movies or after?" she offered him a soft smile.

"Anytime is good," she smiled as they picked up walking again. Mineta thought about it as the walk went quiet, sure he didn't mind spending money on her but he had something else in mind for their date. 

                If you want me to turn this into a two parter let me know in the comments. 

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