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Request: shiynxs

Toga laid sprawled out across Twice at the league talking about her crush on Izuku Midoryia.

"So why doesn't he like me back Jin?" She questioned pouting slightly as he stared up at her bestfriend. 

"He just needs time to warm up toward your ways of showing affection Toga, he's a coward!" Jin replied as he ran his fingers through her hair in a soothing way hoping to help her relax a bit from all the stress she was under recently. "That plus he doesn't see nor appreciate your self-worth," Toga waited for the counter that always had something snide to add, but it never came. Smiling up at Jin she sighed relaxing fully at the mercy of his touch. 

"Thanks Jin," she said closing her eyes once more, "I needed to hear that." 

"What you need is professional help," Tomura said from a spot at the bar sipping on his water careful not to place the index finger down. Dabi choosing that moment to voice his opinion as well on the matter. 

"He just doesn't like you crazy," Toga jumped up immediately from that.

"Of course he does," she exclaimed "he just needs to see my self-worth like Jin said," Dabi rolled his eyes groaning as he lowered himself onto a bar stool.

"Can't see what you don't have," Tomura mumbled as he took another sip of his water. 

"I do have self-worth," she growled admiring her knife from the couch beside Jin as he gave her a nudge to turn slightly. "Jin would never lie to me," 

"To be fair Jin isn't the best person to ask that Toga," Kurogiri sighed as he cleaned a shot glass that he just finished washing. Toga leaned her head backwards off the couch looking at him upside down. "He'd do or say anything to make you happy,"

"True," Tomura agreed watching the event unfold. 

"Probably jump off a cliff if you said to," Dabi added knocking back his gin. Jin felt attacked so he jumped up off the couch suddenly.

"I would not, Hell yeah I would," he said frowning under the mask. Toga hopped up off the couch dancing slightly into the light of the bar room. 

"It's okay Jin, at least someone sees that I can be lovable," she said as she made her way out of the bar down the hall into her room where she keeps a murder journal. The journal went on and on about what she wanted to use people blood for and creative ways to obtain it. In the privacy of her room she could be free to do as she pleased and say as she will without being judged any more than what was the normal. 

'Maybe,' toga thought before shaking her head, 'nah he couldn't, could he?'

I know it's short and I apologize for that however I have other things to work on and I can't miss getting this out for you dear author sorry again...

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