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Request: Shiynxs (agere)

Tomura was happily coloring in his old worn coloring book he had found during a mission with dirtied hands ignoring the world around him.

"Kurogiri," Toga frowned watching her boss being lost in his own world. She didn't mind that so much even found it to be adorable how affectionate he can be in headspace, no the problem was he was in head space during a fight with none other than pro heroes Mirko and Hawks. The heroes in question paused looking at each other when they saw how Tomura was acting.

'Is he a little?' Mirko mouthed to Hawks as he stopped as well.

'He's a regresser,' he mouthed back causing an opening Dabi couldn't help but to take cutting rabbit hero's arm. Tomura looked up and looked around confused. Rubbing his eyes Tomura slowly rose to his feet and walked up to Dabi who in turn shrugged him away.

"Dabi," Tomura sniffled as tears began to pool his red orbs, "cuddle me," he whined causing Mirko's gaze to soften exponentially as he just warmed her heart.

'That is so fucking cute,' she thought as she watched the man-child try to get cuddles from the patchwork of a man. Dabi on the other hand was beginning to get annoyed as he always was whenever Tomura wanted to use him as a cuddle toy. He just wasn't a big cuddler.

"Stop dammit," Dabi growled causing Tomura to hesitate and pull away, "can't you see there are more important things to deal with besides sitting on my ass and letting you cuddle?" Each word a knife into Tomura's heart as he generally liked the company of the pyro. Not saying anything Tomura wiped the tears from his eyes and stared at the ground hoping Dabi saw how sorry he was. He didnt mean to upset the man, just wanted to cuddle and feel safe.

"'m sowwy," Tomura mumbled as tears began to pool and trickle down his face silently. The heroes watched as Dabi treated the regresser horribly making Mirko's blood boil underneath her skin. Storming her way over toward the villains she snatched to obvious distressed male away and huffed in their direction.

"If he wants to cuddle then fucking cuddle," she glared as she cradled him into her side trying to calm him down, "I'm taking him with us. Come back when you don't have a stick shoved up your ass ugly," with that Mirko turned on her feet and with Tomura walked toward Hawks.

"I'm taking him home," was all she said walking past him momentarily leaving him behind before he caught up leaving behind the group of villains.

"Unbelievable," Dabi scoffed walking away.

The heroes lead Tomura toward Mirko's appartment and inside without alerting any of the authorities.

"Is this such a good idea Mirko?" Hawks questioned as Tomura went exploring his new confines. Walking to the kitchen with Hawks hot on her tail she opened the cabinets and pulled down apple sauce.

"Probably not," she replied dumping the contents into a bowl and grabbing a spoon. "It's not permanent or anything. Just a little break for him to relax and let go I guess. Look the point is i can be caring when i want to be," at the notion Hawks rolled his eyes leaning on the counter beside her. Looking over at the fugitive who was watching her pet rabbit in fascination.

"Hope you're not going to regret this," Tomura stuck his pinkie into the cage as the rabbit got closer to nibble on it. He smiled real big looking toward the kitchen.

"Lookie!" He shouts excitedly pointing at the rabbit lightly chewing on his pinkie, "bun bun likes me," the two heroes' hearts swelled at the sight and smiled back at him.

"We see bunny," Mirko smiled as she placed a bowl on the coffee table in front of him, "she likes you bit now it's time for lunch," Tomura scrambled to his feet and rushed over toward the bowl happily sitting back down and reaching for it.

"Now what do we say bunny?" Hawks cocked a brow as a smirk played on his face. Tomura looked between the bowl and the hero confused.

"Mine?" Both heroes chuckled at the puzzled look on his face.

"Well yeah but that's not what we say when we get food kid," he chuckled as Tomura still looked between the bowl and the heroes.

"Pezze?" Both heroes stopped laughing confused.

"Pezze?" Hawks tested, Tomura nods waiting to see if that was the right words.

"Do you mean please bunny?" Mirko asked smiling at his adorableness. Nodding again he waited like Kurogiri taught him.

"Pezze, I can haves," he tried forming a proper sentence. Nodding Mirko and Hawks shared a look.

"Yes you can have," Hawks grinned watching as Tomura dug his hands into the bowl eating happily all its contents so he could go play with the rabbit again.

After lunch Tomura spent the rest of the day coloring in a new book Hawks got him or playing with the rabbit Mirko let him keep.

"Bun bun all mines" he smiled as his face was pressed up against the cage watching the rabbit sleep.

"Yes she is," Mirko smiled holding a blanket, "but now its sleepy time bunny. Let's get you laid down for bed." He looked up nervous as he stood up and she led him over to the couch and tucked the blanket around him. Smiling at him she kissed his forehead as he dozed off.

"I can't do it Keigo?" She sighed as she seen her friend in the frame.

"I know," he replied softly as the two watched the most wanted criminal sleep as if he had but not a care in the world on his shoulders.

"Can we keep him?"

"He's no pet Rumi," he reminded as the two walked out turning off the light, "but what's a few days going to do." Her eyes lit up happy.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2020 ⏰

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