Boredom in the Library

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(Carson's POV)

We all try to get comfortable and I start humming quietly. I am interrupted as I hear a snapping sound and since we all turn around I guess it wasn't in my head. When I turn around I saw a girl dressed in all black biting her nails. She soon notices us but she doesn't stop. "You keep eating your hand and you're not gonna be hungry for lunch..." She looks mad and she chews her nail and spits it at John. It misses well it was obvious that it would. "I've seen you before you know." I start getting drowsier since usually when John goes to detention I go to his friends house and sleep. "Johnny I'm going to sleep okay?" John nods his head then kisses my head. "Goodnight Carson." I nod my head as a response, I start to sleep.

(John's POV)

I have Carson sitting in my lap as she sleeps. I look over and I see the nerd playing with a pen. "Who do you think I  I am?  Who are you? Who are you?" He mutters to himself. I continue starting at him. "I am a Walrus." He says. I keep staring at him until he notices. He turns to me looking nervous and embarrassed. I slowly place Carson on two chairs careful to not wake her up. I start to take off my trench coat as does the nerd. I stare him down which made him even more nervous. He puts his coat back on and pretends to be cold. He turns to me. "It's the shits huh?" He questions me and I ignore him and glare at him which makes the nerd more awkward.

I turn back to Carson and I notice she is sound asleep. I smile slightly, I turn to grab my paper and I crumple it up and throw it in between the rich kids. But they ignore it and I try to annoy them more. "Nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah." I hum the beats of Carson and I's favorite song. I see Carson smile in her sleep a bit which makes me smile. I turn towards the rich kids and I decide on bothering them some more. "Oh shit!" I say loud but not loud enough to wake Carson up. "What are we s'posed to do if we hafta take a piss?" I questioned. The princess up front mutters to herself which isn't very quiet. "Please..." She says disgusted. Smirking I decide to push it. "Well if you gotta go." I pull down my fly. "You gotta go." I say messing with them. I notice everyone looking over at me which makes my smirk widen. "Oh my god!" The princess exclaims. "Hey, you're not urinating in here man!" Sporto exclaims. Teasing them more I say. "Don't talk! Don't talk! It makes it crawl back up!" The jock turns to me. "You whip it out and you're dead before the first drop hits the floor! Besides we have a child here!" I roll my eyes. Of course I was aware that my own little sister was here.
"You're pretty sexy when you get angry grrrr." I say looking right at the jock. I turn to the dork. "Hey homeboy!" He points to himself and I nod at him confirming his thoughts. "Why don't you go close that door and we'll get the prom queen...Impregnated!" I say which makes the princess and jock turn to me. "Hey!" The jock says and I ignore him. "Hey!" I turn to him. "What?" I say bored. "If I lose my temper you're totaled man!" He exclaims pissed off. "Totally?" I question acting clueless. "Totally." He confirms. The princess turns towards me again. "Why don't you just shut up!Nobody here is interested." She says. "Really." The jock says after her. "But face." He mutters. I turn back to them. "Well hey Sporto what did you do to get in here? Forget to wash your jock?" I question teasingly.
The dork decides to speak up. "Uh, excuse me, fellas? I think we should just write our papers." He says looking nervous. The jock and I ignore him and just continue our arguing. "Look just because you live in here doesn't give you the right to be a pain in the ass so knock it off!" Sporto exclaims. "It's a free country." I say leaning into my seat. "He's doing other to get a rise out of you. Just ignore him." Princess says looking at Sporto. "Cherry." I say and she turns to look at me. "You couldn't ignore me if you tried." She rolls her eyes then faces forward. "So." Since I didn't grab anyone's attention I decide to be a bit louder. "So!" I exclaim but I look down to see Carson still asleep. 'Damn she could sleep through anything.' I think to myself then I refocus back to why I was so loud in the first place. "Are you guys like boyfriend/girlfriend?" I question. No response. "Steady dates?" I press. Still no response. "Lo-vers." I question and as it was the first two times nothing. "C'mon Sporto level with me. Did you slip her the hot...beef...injection?" I questioned knowing it would press some buttons. 

"Go to hell!" "Enough!" They both practically scream. I worriedly rush to look down at Carson only to see she is looking up at me. I sigh at the rich kids but then turn to smile at Carson.

(Carson's POV)

I am abruptly awoken by two voices screaming which thankfully weren't my mother or father. My eyes open and I look up at Johnny and he turns to me. I see him sigh at the two kids that I assume caused the yelling. He smiles down at me and I smile at him. "How long was I asleep for?" I ask him softly. He smiles then looks at the clock. "25 minutes." He responds, I sigh and sit up placing my head on the table underneath my arms. John notices then ruffles my hair. I playfully glare at him but laugh. "Scumbag." The guy in front of me mutters. I tilt my head. "Hey mister that's not very nice." I say looking at him. The guy turns to me with a confused face while the girl looks at me like she is going to die from happiness. I turn and see John walking then sitting on the railing and he motions me over and I follow. "What do you say we close that door. We can't have any kind of party with Vernon checking us out every few seconds." He says as he pulls me onto his lap. "Well, you know the door's s'posed to stay open..." Blondie or well Johnson says. "So what?" John says. "So why don't you just shut up! There's five other people in here you know." I look at the guy that yelled at John and I glare at him. 

"What did I say before mister." I say. "God you can count See I knew you had to be smart to be a-a wrestler." John says. "Who the hell are you to judge anybody anyway?" The guy questions but then John covers my ears, it  was muffled but I assumed that he said. "We have a child in this room." He then uncovers my ears. "Really." he red head said. I looked at John but before he could say anything else the guy from before started speaking again. "You know, don't even count. I mean if you disappeared forever it wouldn't make any difference. You may as well not even exist at this school." He said and that hit too close to home. Tears sprung to my eyes and I turned to John and I could tell he was hurt too. I jumped off of John lap and I ran back to my seat and buried my head in my hands. "Look at what you did Andrew." The red head whispered. "Well why would it affect her is she Bender?" I snapped up. "No I may not be John Bender but I am Carson Bender and that insult meant for Johnny hurt me too!" I exclaimed which shocked both preps. 

I decide to go over to the goth girl's table and ignore the rest of the conversation. We talk for a bit and I learned that her name was Allison. We stopped when we heard the door slam. "Shut Up!" John exclaimed and I swear for a split second he sounded like dad. "God damnit!" Vernon yells from outside. I stiffen slightly and Allison takes notice and taps me on the shoulder and I nod in reassurance. "Why is that door closed? He questions all of us. We all just stare at him which apparently angers him. "why is that doo closed?!" He exclaims louder which makes me flinch slightly. "How're we s'posed to know? We're not s'posed to move, right?" John says looking at me questioningly, I nod and half smile for reassurance. Vernon turns to Claire. "Why?" He questions her. "We were just sitting here, like we were s'posed to..." She says. "Who closed that door?" He questions turning to us all, his gaze falls on me. "Who closed that door?" He says.  "I think a screw fell out of it ." John says. "It just closed sir." Sporto says helping us out. "Who?" He says turning to Allison. She squeaks then slams her head on the table which makes me jump slightly. "She doesn't talk sir." John and I say at the same time. "Give me that screw." "I don't have it." I can tell that this is going to be a bad argument so I just put my head down and take a short nap. 

(Time Skip)

"FUCK YOU!" John exclaims and I sit up. I look to Allison as if I am asking to go with my brother. She nods her head. I stand up and hop down from the seat, I go to John and I sit next to him and give him a hug. He turns to me with a slight smile. "How many do you have now?" I asked him. He sighs. "Two months." I look to him and shrug. "It's alright that man looks like a grumpy old stooge anyway." John smiles down at me. Eventually we all get bored, John lights his shoe on fire and he lights a cigarette, Red was thinking about something, Sporto was playing with the strings on his hoodie, Johnson was staring intently at Red...Weird, and Allison was tying a string around her finger. John then starts to play air guitar and I turn to him and play the air drums and he laughs a bit at me. I lean back in my seat and kind of onto the other table and John does the same. I start to drift to sleep.

(Time Skip)

"Wake up." Vernon says to all of us and he notices that nobody moves he sighs. "Who has to go to the lavatory?" He questions. 'Ooh I do.' I think to myself and I along with everyone else raise their hands. Vernon sighs. "Okay girls go first." I stand up and walk along with the other girls. We go into the restroom and I do my business and I go to wash my hands. I notice Red staring at me so I turn to her. "Hi! I'm Carson!" I say holding out my hand, she smiles at me. "Claire." She says grabbing my hand and shaking it. I grin at her. "I like that name." I say and she grins at me. "I like yours too Carson."

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