Us weirdos need to stick together

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(Carson POV)

"Then I assume Allison, Carson, and I are better people than you guys, huh? Us weirdos..." Brian says and I smile softly. "Do you, would you do that to me?" Brian questions. "I don't have any friends..." Allison says. "Well if you did?" Brian questions. "No...I don't think the kind of friends I'd have would mind..." Allison says. "What about you Carson? If you were in our grade, would your friends let you be friends with us?" Brian questions. "If they're really you're friends they wouldn't mind." I say and Brian smiles at me. "I just wanna tell, each of you, that I wouldn't do that...I wouldn't and I will not! 'Cause I think that's real shitty..." Brian stops as Claire talks again. "Your friends wouldn't mind because they look up to us..." Claire says and I scoff slightly. Brian starts laughing slightly. "You're so conceited, Claire. You're so conceited. You're so, like, full of yourself, why are you like that?" Brian questions. "I'm not saying that to be conceited! I hate it! I hate having to go along with everything my friends say!" Claire says. "Well then why do you do it?" Brian questions again. "I don't know, I don' don't understand. You don't. You're not friends with the same kind of people that Andy and I are friends with! You know, you just don't understand the pressure that they can put on you!" Claire says. "I don't understand what? You think I don't understand pressure, Claire? Well fuck you! Fuck you!" Brian exclaims and he puts his head in his arm. "Know why I'm here today? Do you? I'm here because Mr. Ryan found a gun in the locker..." Brian says and my eyes widen.

"Why'd you have a gun in your locker?" Andrew and I question. "I tried. You pull the fuckin' trunk on it and the light's s'posed to go on...and it didn't go on, I mean, I..." Brian says. "What's the gun for Brian?" Andrew questions. "Just forget it..." Brian says. "You brought it up, man!" Andrew exclaims. "I can't have an F, I can't have it and I know my parents can't have it! Even if I aced the rest of the semester, I'm still only a B. And everything's ruined for me!" Brian exclaims and I frown. "Oh Brian..." Claire says and Brian hits a chair and it falls over. "So I considered my options, you know?" Brian says. "No! Killing yourself is not an option!" Claire says. "Well I didn't do it, did I? No, I don't think so!" Brian exclaims. "It was a hand gun?" Allison questions. "No, it was a flare gun, went off in my locker." Brian says. "Really?" Andrew questions then he starts laughing. "It's not funny..." Brian says and soon we all start laughing and Brian does too. "Yes it is...fuckin' elephant was destroyed!" Brian says and that just fuels our laughter. "You wanna know what I did to get in here? Nothing...I didn't have anything better to do." Allison says and I start laughing again. "You're laughing at me..." Allison says to all of us. "No!" Andrew says and Allison starts laughing too. "Yeah you are!" Allison says.

After a few moments of laughter, Brian plays a record and I grin knowing this song. "Yes!" I exclaim and we all start dancing in the library, I see Johnny on top of the statue and I grin waving at him and he waves back. Claire, Allison and I were dancing on top of the railing, then Andrew, Johnny, and Brian started dancing on it, then Allison, Johnny, and I did too. After the song ended I was laying on the table. "Good luck Johnny." I say and he smiles while kissing my forehead. Johnny goes back up in the air vents and we are left in the library without Johnny. "Brian?" Claire questions while they sit on the railing. "Yeah?" Brian questions. "Are you gonna write your paper?" Claire questions. "Yeah, why?" Brian questions. "Well, it's kinda a waste for all of us to write our paper, don't you think?" Claire questions. "Oh, but that's what Vernon wants us to do..." Brian says. "True, but I think we'd all kinda say the same thing." Claire says. "You just don't want to write your paper...Right?" Brian questions. "True, but, you're the smartest, right?" Claire questions and I can tell Brian is swelling up with pride. "Oh, well..." Brian says. "We trust you..." Claire says and we looks at all of us and we nod. "Yeah..." Andrew says. "All right, I'll do it..." Brian says. "Great..." Claire says and she turns to Allison who looks back. "Come on..." Claire says. "Where're we going?" Allison questions as Claire grabs her hand and drags her away. "Come on!" Claire says and they are gone and Brian is writing the essay.

"Carson?" Andrew questions and I look up. "Yeah?" I question. "I'm real sorry about today." Andrew says and I smile. "It's fine Andrew." I say and he smiles. After a few moments I see Brian kiss the paper and Allison comes outside. I look at her and she looks completely different...A good no great different! "Cool!" Brian exclaims. "Thank you!" Allison says while smiling. "Ally you look great!" I exclaim and she smiles. "Thanks Carson." She says. I notice Claire is gone and I look at Allison. "Where's Claire?" I question and she motions towards outside and I realize she was with my brother. "What happened to you?" Andrew questions. "Why? Claire did it! What's wrong?" Allison questions. "Nothing's wrong, it's just so different. I can see your face." Andrew says. "Is that good or bad?" Allison questions in worry. "It's good!" Andrew says while smiling and Allison smiles back. I walk over to Brian and I lightly punch his arm with a smile. We all stayed in the room until Vernon came in. "Bathroom." I say motioning where Claire was. Vernon just gives a glare. "Just get out of here." Vernon says and I jump out of my seat and I walk next to Allison.

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