What to do...What to do

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(Carson's POV)

We are all sitting in our seats until a janitor looking guy walks in. "Brian, how you doing?" The janitor asks and John turns to Brian. "Your dad works here?" He questions Brian and I nudge his ribs. "Be nice." I mutter to John. I notice Brian looking embarrassed. "Uh, Carl?" My brother asks. 'Oh boy.' I think to myself. "What?" Carl questions. "Can I ask you a question?" John questions. "Sure..." Carl says unsure of what John would say. "How does one become a janitor?" John questions. "You wanna be a janitor?" Carl questions in disbelief. "No I just  know wanna how one becomes a janitor here, Andrew here is very interested in  a career in the custodial arts..." John says and Andrew turns to glare at my brother and Carl scoffs. "Oh, really?  You guys think I'm

just some untouchable peasant?  Peon? Huh?   so, but following a broom around shitheads like you for the past eight years I've learned a couple of things...I look through your letters, I look through your lockers...I listen to your conversations, you don't know that but I do...I am the eyes and ears of this institution my friends.  By the way, that clock's twenty minutes fast!" He says. "I only understood half of what he said." I whisper to my brother which catches Carl's attention. "And who might you be?" Carl questions and I give a toothy smile at him. "I'm Carson Bender this dork's little sister." I say while nudging John's side and he ruffles my hair. "Well Carson I hope to see you at Shermer High when you are able to come." I nod at him. "Hopefully when mean old Vernon isn't here." I say and everyone lets out a chuckle at this. "Well it was nice meetin' ya Carson." Carl says and I grin at him. "Same with you Carl!" He grins then leaves the library. John smiles and turns to me. "How is it possible for you to befriend everyone you meet?" He questions and I shrug. "I don't know...I really don't know." I say with a shrug.

(Time Skip)

Vernon walks into the library. Alright girls, that's thirty minutes for lunch..." He tells us looking around at us. "Here?" Andrew questions. "Here..." Vernon confirms. "Well I think the cafeteria would be a more suitable place for us to eat lunch in, sir!" Andrew says. "Well, I don't care what you think, Andrew!" Vernon exclaims at Andrew which makes Andrew shrink into his seat. "Uh Dick?" My brother says but when he notices Vernon's glare he corrects himself. "Excuse me, Rich...Will milk be available to us?" John asks. "We're extremely thirsty sir." Andrew says. "I have a low tolerance for dehydration sir." Claire says helping the act. "I've seen her dehydrate sir, it's pretty gross." Andrew says which makes me giggle. "Relax, Carson and I will get it." John says and I go to stand up. "Ah ah ah grab some wood there bub." Vernon says which makes John and I grin. "You think I'm going to have you roam the halls along with this...this....gremlin." He says and I simply turn to him. "Sir I would like you to know I look nothing like what you looked like as a baby so I wouldn't like the title gremlin please." I say with a sarcastic grin. "That another detention..." He says but he notices his mistake. "Sir I'm not even old enough to be goin to high school so how could I get a detention?" Which makes him roll his eyes. "You!" He says pointing at Andrew. "And you!" He says pointing at Allison. "Hey what's her name? Wake her! Wake her up!" Vernon exclaims as Allison looks up. "Come on, on your feet missy!  Let's go!  This is no rest home!" Vernon says as Allison gets up. "There's a soft drink machine in the teacher's lounge.  Lets go!" Vernon says and they all leave.

We are all sitting around in the library waiting for Allison and Andrew to come back. I am sitting next to Claire in a chair I pulled up. "Claire...you wanna see a picture of a guy with elephantitus on the nuts? It's pretty tasty..." "No thank you." Claire says but my curiosity got the best of me. "Johnny can I see?" I ask and John closes the book. "C you can't see that type of stuff okay not until you're older." He says in this whole new tone and I nod and go back to sit next to Claire. "How do you think he rides a bike?" John questions. "Oh, Claire...would you ever consider dating a guy like this?" John asks in a sing-song way which makes me giggle and John smiles at me. "Can't you just leave me alone?" Claire asks my brother. "I mean if he had a great personality and was a good dancer and had a cool car...Although you'd  have to ride in the back seat 'cause his nuts would ride shotgun." John says and I tilt my head and giggle even more. "Johnny I don't think peanuts could ever be that big." I say laughing a bit. Everyone in our little corner smiles at me. "You know what I wish I was doing?" Claire asks nobody in particular. "Op watch what you say, Brian here is a cherry." He says but we ignore him. "What do you wish you were doing?" I ask her and Claire smiles at me. "I wish I was on a plane to France." She says with a smile. I hear John and Brian talking well muttering next to us. "What's Paris like well since I don't know what it's like." I say tilting my head in curiosity. Claire grins but before she could John says something. "Oh so you and Claire did it?" He asks and I tilt my head in confusion. "What are you talking about?" Claire says. Brian looks over at us. "Nothin nothin." He says looking at Claire then he turns to John. "Let's just drop it, we'll talk about it later!" Brian says and Claire looks at him. "No! Drop what, what're you talking about?" Claire asks. "Well, Brian's trying to tell me that in addition to the number of girls in  the Niagara Falls area, that presently you and he are, riding the hobby horse!" John says and I look over at them. "Little pig!" Claire yells at Brian. I decide to go towards the back of the library and sit and relax. I hear them yelling at each other but then it stops. I hear foot steps getting closer and I see John. "Hey sweets." He says picking me up. "Hey Johnny." I say and he takes us to the table and we sit down. 

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