Fighting away-2

397 19 0

Third person pov.

Aaron picked her up and walked swiftly as if carrying a light feather .

The guards on the way stole glances at their boss carrying a lady , more of a mere young girl.

He glared at them , poor men they were just astonished, they knew Aaron wasn't a ladies man , though women generally throw themselves up at him ,just to make him catch a glance at them.

Aaron couldn't help but adore her self that fit exactly in his arms.

She was not small ,she was tall ,a 5'8 ,but his height dominated her making her fit right into him .
He looked at her ,who now snuggled into his chest more as he carried her to their bedroom .

He felt a need to protect her from every danger by just the way she looked fragile , so vulnerable under him .

Something stirred the anger inside him , he was furious as if he remembered something .

He kicked the bed side table , it slid away making a screeching halt.
He felt her flinch and shift in her bed .

Suddenly coming to terms with his anger he gazed at the young lady who was sleeping, unaware of the things she was doing to him .
Making sure she didn't wake her up,he removed her shoes and  pulled the duvet covers .

He kissed her forehead and left the room  .
   Pristine's p.o.v.

I woke up feeling my head heavy. I had a mild headache issue .

It usually comes whenever I am shocked or cry too much ,my brain lacks oxygen and it ends up like this.

I looked around to notice that this was not my room .

Where was I ? 

Then yesterday's memories came flooding in.
What the hell does this mean , am I still in his home ?

Could he have done something to me?

The thought itself gave shivers down to me.

I got up and walked to the door , the room was simple ,  wait, he didn't show me this room, it actually looked like a guest bedroom.

I twisted the door knob and surprisingly it turned and I stepped outside the room .

I walked towards the stairs , the stairs actually looked closer but there was a hell of a distance, the corridor seemed never ending.

I walked down the stairs and reached what looked like an hall , it was actually dark .
Firewood burnt to the right of the sitting space .

This was elegant and beautiful.

" Are you lost , buttercup?"

I was snapped back to reality as I heard a deep husky voice, which seemed to be coming from nearly everywhere.
But out of reflex I turned back but regretted it soon as I fell onto him out of imbalance.

This guy was standing so close to me . Why is he so creepy?

" What do you want ? " I snapped.

He threw the contract onto the table in front of me and took out a pen from his pocket .

Handing me the pen he motioned me to sign it .

I didn't sign and he seemed to lose his patience. His jaws clenched at the sight of me standing stubborn.

He took out his phone and called someone .

" Is all the paperwork ready? ....Yes ... We are buying The Victoria's Hospital along with the charitable trust.....Right now.."


The Victoria hospital were treating mom . If he buys it off...

Oh .my . God !!!

" No please don't ..." I said , my voice barely audible.
He didn't reply .
And then I heard a ping , it was from his phone.
He unlocked it and after seeing something his lips twitched into a devilish smirk.

" It's already late ,love . I bought it. "

He said with an evil smirk plastered on his face .

Oh no...

I immediately took the pen and swiftly signed the contract. I didn't even bother to open the document.

Then I looked at his face . His face looked like a predator who just trapped his prey. His lips held a small smile of victory . But his eyes had a faint hint of amusement as if he did a great deal of work to hide it.

He came towards me and kissed my cheeks.

But then his eyes fell on the contract. And they darkened ,he pulled away from me and took the contract in his hand .

" Buttercup,  the other day you didn't read the entire contract , now you barely saw the details ,didn't you ? "

I couldn't understand his tone , by the expression his face held I could say he rather amused .

" Now I want you to read the entire contract"

I flinched as I felt something wrong,  something badly wrong with the very contract in his hands.

I snatched it from his hands and flipped through the pages ,only to land on a particular page.

My throat dried and sweat beads started rolling down .  I shuddered as chill ran through my spine .Terror started to cloud my mind and I felt blurred with fear .

Buttons And Lace . حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن