Harsher reality

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" Aaron...stop.. please..stop.." 

I spoke in between but he didn't pull apart from the kiss.
I thrashed and turned and soon I felt out of breathe . I tried to pull away but he held me intact with one of his hand having a tight grip on my waist and the other hand was pinning my hands above .
I tried wriggling out of his grip but he increased our closeness and I was practically attached to him now .

He suddenly ran his hands above the hem of my shirt and reached my bare stomach .

I squirmed under his touch and shifted . I felt completely out of breathe now and I  started seeing black.

He was still kissing me relentlessly.

This was rough....way too cruel ..for a girl who was just having her second kiss . The first one was also with him , but it was not this way.

Black spots started appearing, and I was fighting to keep myself awake .

But completely out of breathe , I fell ..

But my waist was caught just in time before I could fall flat on the floor.
And then I drifted to sleep .

I woke up in a room , well it was way too big ... I mean if someone enters the room , they would have to search for a little while to find a person in the room , that big .

I removed the duvet covers from my body and looked at my clothing.
A satin frock , just reaching my knees .

Who the hell changed me?

' Of course him ,silly . Who else?'

I snapped at my subconscious and walked out of the room , I walked along the hallway . Maybe this was the second storey of the building. I couldn't find a single soul till now.

I walked down the stairs... Thinking about what could have happened yesterday.

He changed me , could he have seen me naked .
Oh my god...that should not have not happened .
No.... please lord....

Did he stop with the kiss or proceed after I fainted...!

No... nothing should have happened ...please..I need to escape from here..as soon as possible.

I was busy with my thoughts that I failed to notice that I was in the hallway.
I heard some voices , I turned and looked around . I saw few people coming out of the room .

I looked at them , all of them were good looking and seemed quite rich. They looked at me , some smiled and others stared me from top to bottom , making me uncomfortable .

Then Aaron, exited the room at the last. His gaze immediately snapped up to meet mine , his intently gaze melted my interiors and I unknowingly moved a little back.

One of the men spoke ,
" What a beautiful lady we've here , Mr Buttons . Eh ?"

" May I know your name , miss ?"

" I um, I am Pristine, Pristine Lace ,sir . Nice to meet you. "
I awkwardly replied fidgeting with my fingers.

He took my hands and kissed my knuckles.

" Oh, the pleasure is all mine "

He didn't leave my hand ,and I saw Aaron from the corner of my eye .
His gaze flickered dim anger , so I pulled out my hand immediately , not wanting to trigger his rage .

Aaron came to side and pulled me closer to him , his hand slid across my waist keeping me intact.

His fingers brushing against my waist , holding it tightly , I suddenly felt underdressed . The satin frock felt flimsy and the cloth did little to hide my body from his firm hold .

" Gentlemen, as I already made my announcement of getting married tomorrow , meet the lady who is making me the luckiest man alive ,
Gentlemen and ladies , meet my fiance Pristine , soon to be Pristine Everard Buttons"

I was shocked would be an understatement, because I was petrified.

I am getting married tomorrow!?!

Oh . no.

No...this isn't happening ..no...god help me ..
Tears flooded my eyes and I was trying hard to maintain my calm posture.

There were ladies at the other corner of the room . Some were smiling at me and others had a hard look on their face .

If they knew what actually was happening they would be sending me sad glances filled with sympathy , I guess.

I was least bothered about them , if they wanted they can have him , all to themselves, who cared.

" Aaron , please , stop this . I don't wanna get married ,please"
I whispered .

" Sweetheart, you invited this . You tried to run away and this is the consequence. Your name is all over the newspapers and tabloids , as my girlfriend.
I will have to make you mine "
He answered with a fake smile plastered over his face, his eyes scanning across the room .

" What...."  I couldn't understand why that would even bother him . It's not like he was never seen with a girl ever before.

" Now you can go to your room and have rest. Jewellery and the dress for the evening will be sent upstairs. You will have the designer and the hair stylists by the afternoon "

" F- For the ev-evening ? "
I was starting to feel anxious . What the hell did he plan for the evening?!?

" Sweetheart, we have our engagement in the evening" Aaron replied with a sly smirk.

Buttons And Lace . Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora