Chapter 14

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Harry usually wasn't jealous of Percy. Sure, the guy had three stunning fiancés, and a little brother who'd given him several millions in gems just so the rings would be perfect, but Harry had a Draco, and he was pretty damn happy with that.

Then Harry and Jason were the last to the dorm on account of getting held up in an argument with some bitchy seventh year who Jason ripped to shreds with exactly no mercy. The only seat left was the loveseat, which was a great size if you were wholly comfortable being on top of the person you were sitting with, but which was pretty damn small if you weren't. Unfortunately, the demigods didn't seem to function like normal people, because Harry expected Nico to relinquish Draco and call over Jason, so that Draco could sit with Harry, and Jason could sit with Nico and Will. That would've been fine. If Harry didn't know the demigods, he genuinely wouldn't have been able to decisively say who was together they were all that close, unless you happened to see the little mannerisms that defined the more sibling like relationships. But no, Jason just flopped onto the loveseat, with enough space left for Harry to either lay half on top of the guy, or perch uncomfortably like some weird bird. Seamus and Dean were sprawled out on the floor along with Ginny and Luna, meaning that wasn't really an option either. So that's how he ended up half on top of Jason Grace, wishing he was this ready to touch people all the time because the dude's chest was actually the comfiest thing in the world, and jealous of Percy, Annabeth, and Piper for getting to regularly experience this.

Harry made eyes at Draco, who just nodded knowingly. Why had nobody informed him that built men's chests were the eighth wonder of the world? Sure hugging Nico was comfy, but he was shorter than Harry, and Will was muscular, yeah, but more in a lean way, like Percy. Harry was pretty sure that if he and Draco stood next to each other, Jason's shoulders would be broader than theirs combined. It was also nice because it felt..brotherly. Like hugging Ron, if Ron were six foot three and extremely ripped. He didn't feel small and safe, like with Nico and Will, who managed to make him feel like a little kid without trying, there was no tension or expectation, like there sometimes was with Draco. He was just a guy hugging his bro. Just dudes being pals.

As if reading his mind, Jason ruffled his hair. "You know you've still got one grandparent to meet, right? Well technically two, but one of them is a-"

"Raging bag of dicks." Percy called over, even as the sky rumbled threateningly. "A raging bag of dicks who visited me in my dream to say I should've asked for permission to propose to you." He added loudly.

Jason's face darkened. "Well, that means he's had more interactions with you in one day than he's had with me since the celebration ceremony for the war, so yeah, Harry. You've got one grandparent left to meet. Although I think Draco thinks of her as his great aunt."

"Hera?" Harry guessed, a little nervous. She'd seemed nice when she'd shown up for all of five minutes a few months ago, but sometimes Annabeth or Piper returned from their brunches with Hera in Hogsmeade, fuming. "I don't have to like..go to Olympus do I?"

Nico snorted, and Jason laughed humourlessly. "Nah." He reassured him. "You can either come to brunch, or we'll all just go to the next family dinner. I've got Hades a book of dad jokes for his..not birthday. Disgorgement day, so he'll totally be fine if I invite Hera."

"Wait, it's dad's disgorgement day soon? Fuck." Nico swore. "Gods, Jay, why would you not remind me of this?"

Jason winked conspiratorially at Harry. "I like to watch you flounder."

Percy laughed, then gasped and made puppy dog eyes. "Little Mermaid?"

"No way." Annabeth rebuked, just as Jason and Piper agreed.


They watched the Little Mermaid.

Piper and Jason procured some contraption that Piper said was built by Leo, some kind of merge between a projector and a phone. They set it to play on the back wall, and rearranged all the couches to face it.

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