The Thing You Fear The Most

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My name is Tune, short for Neptune. Well, my real name is Asiya, but since I came to space everyone calls me Tune. Almost everybody about this ship has a space-related name. I like it though, since all my life I have been in space. Other kids might go outside and look at birds or clouds, but when I go outside all I see is stars, planets, black holes, meters, and a whole lot more! I came to space when I was only a few months old. I don't remember what it is like to be on the ground with gravity! But our spaceship is awesome, it basically does everything by itself. Space is pretty cool too. I love it here. One thing that is weird here is that I have to take this yucky potion thingy to keep me younger? They call it the T.S.E or T.S.I, or something. I'm not sure, but I know that we are going to a new planet that might support life. I have been counting down, and we have around 70 years left and 46 days. I am 10, by the way. Ok, I think that's enough for today.


  I hurried down the stairs and saw Lyra. (Lyra's name is from a beautiful constellation called Lyra The Lyre) I slowly snuck behind her and hugged her from behind saying, "Thanks so so much for the journal you gave me!"

"Tune!" She said, "You already said thank you like 300 times!"

I loved Lyra, and she was the oldest of all of us since she came on the ship when she was two, she was also the most thoughtful. Just then Rian (short for Triangulum, from the constellation Triangulum The Triangle) came in, followed by Luna (The youngest, she is only 8) and Sar (short for Pulsars).

"Do you guys know where Nive (short for Universe) is?" Questioned Rian as he looked around

"Probably sleeping", responded Lyra

"Let's go wake him up", said Luna with a sly smile on her face. Before anyone could stop her she zipped upstairs to where Nive was sleeping.

"I'm gonna get a snack", I said hurrying to the galley. I passed by Sana, Sana is like a mom to all of us. She reads us bedtime stories, plays games with us, and does stuff a mom would. Mr. Zayan is like a dad to us too. He always insists that we call him Zay, He loves to play games with us. He also teaches us about being a doctor, since he is one himself. Mr. Imran is also fun, and a doctor but he is a little busier than Mr. Zayan. There are also the captain and chief pilot, John and Yasmin, we do not see them very much, but once in a while, we play something with them. I reached the Gallery and got a miracle pill, shoving it into my mouth. Then I went to the living quarters. It was time for our classes.

 Zay, Yasmin, Sana, and Imran were all waiting for us there.

"Okay everybody," said Yasmin clapping her hands as everybody piled in.

"Everyone here?" questioned Sana

"Yes", Rian, Lyra, Luna, Nive, Sar, and I all chorused

"Ok, Rian you're with Imran," said Zay

"Luna you're with Sana, Lyra is with Yasmin, Tune you're with me, and Nive and Sar I want you guys to go to John, he is in the command room waiting".  Zay finished. We all took our places.

"Tune, I want you to learn how to overcome something you fear the most".

"Fear the most?" I repeated, this was a weird lesson

"Yes, he said, "Imagine we get to the planet, after all these years and it does not support life, and something happened where one of us is left behind and you can't save them".

"B-But that won't happen, right?" I looked at Zayan, uncertainty

"I can't make any promises", he said "We chose what we wanted to teach you when you guys were very young, Rian always loved to try to make people feel better and so we taught him to be a doctor, Nive always loved controlling things, he would spend hours watching John and Yasmin control the ship", Zayan smiled at that thought, "So we are teaching him how to fly the spaceship". He paused "But you", he said "We were not sure of you, you showed interest in everything, but then one day we found out. You were like a leader, you treated everyone the same, you loved everyone. Almost too much". Zay looked at me sadly. "If someone needs help, we understood that you would risk your life to help them. But then in some cases, you would try to help them and it would be too late. You and that person could both die," His voice trailed off "That's why I want you to know, you might not be able to save everyone all the time, Tune".

I thought about our lesson all night long. It seemed he was trying to tell me something more than what he actually had said. I spent a good chunk of time thinking and wondering what that could be. His last words trailed in my head like a broken record,

That's why I want you to know, you might not be able to save everyone all the time, Tune.

There you go, another chapter! I will write another one early tomorrow probably.                😊  Thank you guys all!! 😀

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