The Laboratory

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I wanted to write about something strange that's happening, my last entry I shared all the eavesdropping I did and consequent fainting. But now Yasmin has been spending a lot more time than she usually does with us. Don't get me wrong, I love spending time with her but, I wonder why all of a sudden she is like that. Anyway, Lyra was telling me today about a fizzy drink that is really yummy, she said she barely remembers it but she knew that she had loved it when she was back on earth. Also, we should be getting to the planet soon. The only thing the adults have not told us yet, is how much of the T.S.E is left? I hope it lasts there and back. Oh, and one more thing... John showed us the laboratory today! It's not huge, but still pretty big. It's nice, Luna took an instant liking to it though, she is probably still in there now! Well, I will talk to you guys later. 안녕 ( That's Korean for bye!)


The next chapter is the sad ready! Thanks, soo much to all of you guys for reading this! If you have any recommendations on what to write, please tell me in the comments or message me. If you have any predictions, those are always welcome! Thanks!

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