The World That Might Support Life

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I stood on the planet along with everyone else. Who was going to take their helmet off first? Even though no one had said that the question seemed to be floating in the air. It rang through our ears, very loud, yet it was so quiet. I did not want to, but if no one did, I would do it, I thought. I took off my helmet half hoping someone would stop me. But when no one did, I removed it fully. I took a deep breath, but no air seemed to be entering my lungs. I gagged, and the others tried to help me.

But something told me I should wait.

I pushed away from them, my face turning a bright shade of red. I tried to breathe over and over. Something was blocking my throat. I could not do it any longer. I tried one last breath. Then something happened. The block in my throat broke though, an air entered my throat so suddenly, I staggered backward. The others were confused as I dizzily walked up to them, breathing like normal, when a few seconds ago I was like a fish out of water.

I told them to take their helmets off.

Lyra took her's off first.

She struggled a touch but not nearly as much as I did. In a few seconds, everyone's helmets were off.

"Wow." I heard Sar say. I looked around. After all the chaos, I had barely noticed what was surrounding us. Trees loomed over us and there was a beautiful waterfall that crashed onto a river, which flowed across gold rocks.

Wait, gold rocks!

I ran to the river and saw there were millions of gold rocks under the river. Though the clear water, I saw them sparkle.

"Look up!" I heard.

I looked up to see the sky. It was purple and blue, green and pink. It looked as though a painter took his brush, and painted the most pretty colors onto the light blue sky. It's also looked as though the painter decided to splatter flexes of gold onto the sky, adding a sparkly bright effect. And one of the best things were: GRAVITY. As if on cue Sana said, "It feels so nice to be with gravity again."

"Well, If I recall correctly, it seems to be a little lighter than earth's". John said as he leaped in the air.

I laughed. This was the best thing I could imagine!

"But how will we tell people on earth that this planet supports life?" asked Rian

It was like a vacuum came and sucked all of the happiness out of the air. For a few horrible seconds, I thought we would have to go all the way back and tell them, but then I realized that Zayan was still smiling.

"I made this very, very powerful walkie talkie that will communicate all the way across the universe." We all froze, dumbfounded.

"All the way across the whole entire universe?!" Nive said, surprised.

"Yep," Zay said, proudly.

"Let's see it, let's see it," Luna said, jumping up and down.

"Ok." Zayan took out this weird black thing. He pressed a button and handed it to John.

"Stand by, it's Commander John, do you read me?" Then after a few moments, a slightly raspy voice answered.

"Roger that Commander John Sir!" Cheers could be heard in the background.

"Yes, and Luna, Tune, Nive, Sar, Rian, Sana, Nova, and John are all present, our mission was successful."

"Nova? And how about Yasmin?"

"Nova is a baby born in space." John appended.

"And Yasmin?"

Silence fell

"Oh, I'm sorry. Happy to hear from you. You guys made it!" The raspy voice added

"Whom am I speaking with?" asked John.

"Sir, it's Mark..."

"But how?!" Remarked John.

"I had some T.S.E, too, turns out we did make a copy of that. But how did you reach the destination so fast?"

"That's great." John said, "I will fill you in on the details of our travels and High-efficiency Accelerator Fuel Formula."

The End!

Wait...   is it? Stay tuned to see!

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