Chapter Forty-Seven

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Diana swishes the bottom of her dress in the mirror, she smiles and takes a deep breath. She runs her hands over her stomach and turns slightly as she pulls her dress tight around her middle and frowns slightly. She turns again and hums.

"Now I know" She starts, Alaric glances to her from where he sits on the end of the bed. "It's like I can....see it....feel it" she hums a little and moves to pick up her earrings. "What do you think is a better excuse for why I'm not drinking at this thing tonight?" Diana starts as she sets her earrings in her ears. Alaric smirks a little and glances at her. "Urmm, I'm a recovering alcoholic." She offers. "I'm a recently converted Mormon" He laughs a little. "Or I got so hammered last night I'm still a little drunk?" he wraps his arm around her waist, his fingers on her stomach.

"Thought you weren't sure what you wanted to do about this" he points out, tapping his fingers softly against her.

"I don't," she tells him. "But if I do decide that....." she sighs. "If I do keep it...I don't want to screw it up....just in case" she shrugs a little. Alaric kisses her cheek and pulls her closer.

"Third one" He whispers as he kisses her jaw. "Jenna is going to know you are not an alcoholic or a Mormon" She huffs and then nods in agreement. "You look nice" he offers, she smiles and tilts her head back, he leans down and kisses her. She hums and turns to face him.

"I don't think we should tell the others until we know what we're going to do" She admits with a small shrug. He understands that. No point in getting everyone worked up if nothing comes of this. "Look, Ric" she turns to him. "I'm young. There's still shit that I wanna do. I just feel like..."

"A baby would get in the way" He finishes. She sighs and shrugs.

"I don't know" she admits. "I don't know what it would do, Ric, I've never had a kid before..." he nods a little. "And I can't even ask my parents what it was like, what I was like as a baby...I don't know if I was different....or normal....what if this kid is more demon then demigod? What if.....?" He stops her with a finger to her lips, she sighs a little.

"I don't know either," he tells her. "I don't know what this is going to change. And I sure as hell don't know what I'm doing..." he cups her face and smiles. "You and me....we can figure this out. But if you decide that you want to get...." he takes a breath. "If you want to get an abortion. I will support you...." he manages to get out.

"But you want us to keep it?" she asks him, he nods a little.

"Isobel never wanted children...Guess we know why now, but...I always did. I wasted so much time with her, Diana" he takes her hands in his. "I don't want to waste any time with you...I know you're younger than me, and I know you probably have all these plans, all these things you want to do.....places you probably want to go, things you want to see...and if you say that you don't want to do this, right now, I will be okay with it, as long as it's not now...As long as there is a chance later on...If it is not....never"

"I want to do it all with you, all of the things I want, I want to do it with you...." She assures him, he smiles and nods. She takes a deep breath and nods. "And I do want to do things I have never done before..." she smirks a little and looks up at him. "I want to do this" She adds, he frowns a little, she takes a breath and nods. "Never gotten married, never had a husband, never had a kid before....only one way to fix that, right?" he smiles and presses his forehead to hers.

"Are you sure?" he whispers.

"About you?" She counters. "More than anything ever," she repeats his own words back at him. "It's a pretty big adventure" she whispers raising his hand to her stomach. "Us doing this...." he nods in agreement.

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