Saturday, June 20

195 12 1

I just woke up from a nightmare. I laid down for a little bit before patrol, and the next thing I knew, I was laying here shaking from a nightmare.
Tonight was worse than usual.
Stop lying to yourself, Damian.
If I'm being unfiltered, uncensored, and completely honest, it was terrible. The nightmare was so bad.
I remember standing in a dark hallway. As I stood there, looking around, terrible screams suddenly ripped down the corridor. 
The voices kept saying, "Please. Damian please. Save me! Damian!"
I tore down the infinitely long hallway, hoping desperately to save the person screaming.
I knew that voice, but I couldn't place it.
When I reached the end of the hallway, I flung open the heavy metal door that was there.
A single lightbulb hung from the ceiling. And there, spread-eagled on an upright table, was Grayson.
Surrounding him were four men in black masks, cutting him open with knives and beating him with chains.
I lunged at the tortures, hoping desperately to save Grayson.
I clawed at them mercilessly, fighting like a wild animal.
The torturers finally fled.
I rushed over to Grayson. The sight of him stopped my heart. The torturers had cut so deeply with their knives that I could see gleaming white bone on Grayson's arms and legs. Freshets of blood gouted out of his broken body and onto the dirty white tile floor.
I knew now why there was a drain in the floor.
Broken chunks of bone sprouted from his chest where the chains had destroyed his ribs.
"Grayson, Grayson please." I begged. "Please, please, please no."
The faintest wisp of a smile crossed his face. "Hey, little D. I'm glad I got to see you one last time."
A shaky breath fled his body as his heart stopped beating.
"Grayson Grayson Grayson please no no no no please Grayson please Dick Dick Dick no please NO!"
But it's not like it mattered what I wanted anymore.

Then I woke up.

Now I'm lying here shaking.

Because I know what that nightmare means.
I will not be killed by the Meringio family. I will not let any of my family be killed by them.

It's time to go out. It's time to be Robin. And I will crush the Meringio family.

That is all.
Damian Wayne

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