1 - The End of an Era

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Bennet POV -

My trunk slammed shut with a loud thunk.

I ran a hand through my long dirty-blonde hair and sighed in relief when I remembered that I needed a haircut before I left.

I glanced up at my childhood home. The grass was mowed, as well as edged. The bushes were trimmed to perfection along the side of the paneled house. Green shutters were freshly painted and the black roofing looked new. The garage light was illuminating the driveway in the fading sunlight.

My car was all packed up for the morning. I had three duffel bags full of clothing, trinkets, photos, and toiletries. I also made sure to bring my survival kit and my weapon case. The case carried two swords, a rapier and a saber, seven daggers varying in size and length, my favorite switchblade, two pairs of handcuffs, and three different guns. Two were black Glock's and the other was a 6.5 Creedmoor rifle. I was very careful about hiding the case under my luggage in the trunk. I also carried another glock in my glove compartment. 

Just thinking of this Boarding School made me feel weird. I can't put my finger on why though, so I chalked it up to nerves. When I browsed the website, I found that the classes are pretty good and the dorms were spaced and clean. 

What I was most nervous about was the fact that the school was a castle.

I would be standing in a fucking castle! Who can say they lived in a castle for a whole four years? I will once I pass my classes. And complete my mission, another voice at the back of my mind reminded me. I shrugged that one aside and thought of the happier ones.

It was amazing.

I was almost glad that I had gotten placed into this school mission. It would be a fresh start. Nobody would know me, nor will they be able to figure out who I was because of a few security measures I had taken. I would have to remember my training and keep myself on the down low for now though. I'm playing the role of a weak human who knows little about Supernaturals and the world around her. There wasn't anything anyone could do to pull me from this role.

I smirked remembering the calls to the Administrative Office my father had made. He was so stubborn when he wanted to be. Father made sure nobody would bother me due to him being a large business owner, the Head Honcho of the Hunters Association, and me his only heir.

I was jerked back out of my head by a loud honking sound from the street behind me. I was so startled that I jumped around and got into a defensive stance. When I saw who had created the noise I had to laugh.

Jessi and Ashlin were practically hanging out of their blue jeep with wicked grins spread over their faces.

They were my best friends. We haven't known each other long, but when their family moved here from New York we met in high school and just clicked. They somehow convinced their moms to let them come with me to this high end Boarding School. I was surprised their Mum allowed them to. She was the protective one out of their Ma and herself.

Jessi had short black hair that hit her shoulders. Her complexion was pale compared to her glistening onyx hair and her glassy brown eyes. She wore glasses with thick frames because she, and I quote "Likes the funny looks people throw at her." She usually wore tight jeans and over-sized sweatshirts.

Ashlin, on the other hand, had long onyx hair. It almost hit her waistline. I could never, and I mean never, have my hair that long! It would be so annoying! Anyway, unlike her sister, Ash had a nice tan that seemed to make her glow. Her light brown eyes were always full of excitement. Her normal attire was a nice blouse or long sleeved t-shirt paired with black khakis and boots or sandals.

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