8 - Wow

122 9 1

Bennet POV

"Technically, you would be kidnapping me if you kept me here indefinitely...." I mumbled while staring at Jet as she walked closer to me. She had just finished rummaging in the fridge and drinking another bottle of blood. I leaned farther back into her fluffy bed, crawling backward until I grazed my head on the headboard.

Like the idiot I am, I got sidetracked as I looked at her sexy, looming form wondering how many times Charli and her have fucked on this bed, instead of focusing on the long chilly finger that stroked the curve of my jaw.

Jet was knelt over me with her knees on either side of my torso, leaning back onto my outspread legs when I focused back on her. The beautiful vampire's hair was pushed over her shoulders while her eyes shone with an unknown emotion. I wish I had the answer to the question that I could practically taste in the atmosphere between us.

"I would like if you were to kiss me," she smiled, a real smile, ignoring my previous statement about kidnapping, and I remember feeling relief wash through my body. Jet may be scary sometimes, but she was part human. She has boundaries and knows what is too much, and the energy I had received earlier was that, if not a red flag. I appreciated knowing that my mate, while extreme in front of others, knew how to control her temper and just love me. Just asking for me to make the first move or back off was super sexy and made my face heat up in the dark room.

I leaned forward after staring into her eyes, connecting our lips before she could add anything else to her previous statement due to the long pause. I knew in that moment that as long as we respected each others boundaries in the future, everything would work out. I would have a conversation later if it was needed.

If I were to turn our kiss into a more passionate one, would she understand the love I feel growing in my chest right now? I took the risk, licking her bottom lip requesting entrance. Her ever present smirk turned into a moan, and her long, cool fingers pushed into my butt-cheeks, tearing a small groan from me. I could feel my core tingling with heat as Jet moved one of her hands under my shirt, making my skin tingle under her caress, trailing from my stomach up to my chest. The hand stopped right over my bra cladded breasts.

I gasped for breath when she released my lips from hers, hiding my face in her shoulder while clutching onto her back. 

Damn, I forgot that we were supposed to be having a 'punishment' session.... Was this it, or was this just a fluke? I bet sometime in the future, the sessions won't be so easy. And where was Charli, who still hasn't come up to check on me and make sure Jet hasn't murdered me yet. What a caring mate.

After over-analyzing for a while, I was about to start cuddling with Jet when there was a loud knock on her bedroom door scaring me slightly.

"Who is it? "Jet lifted her head from my chest before calling out in the direction of the door. When there was no audible reply, Jet stood up cautiously and opened the door where there was a small blonde girl standing with her head lowered, ringing her little hands loosely in front of her.

"Miss Sterling, I have been sent by the Headmistress to inform you that your parents are here. They would like for you to visit them before they leave tomorrow morning." The small girl kept her head dipped as she walked away quickly.

At first, I was confused at why the girl acted so scared, but ended up having to stifle a laugh when Jet turned around with a cute, shocked expression.

"My parents never visit me in college. The last time I saw them was Christmas vacation last year because I spent the summer with Charli in the Ocean cities her family resides in." She looked shell shocked, and I was beginning to worry, that is until she smiled all of a sudden.

"Would you like to meet my parents? We'll go right now. That way, you don't over-think too much. Charli will be there, too."

After hearing this, I felt like puking. My mate wants me to meet her parents after we just met two days ago? Was my mate crazy. What are we going to talk about? What if they don't like me because I'm a human. Or they know I don't belong here, or because they tracked me from the association? What if they know I'm truly here as a spy and put me in jail? Or tear me to bits, and fry me up to feed their clans? Or suck my body dry of blood. 

Wait, if my blood is so tempting, why doesn't Jet seem more phased when she's close to me? Shouldn't she be dying for my blood all the time? It's in her nature.

I opened my mouth to answer right as Charli came through the door excitedly.

"Babe, your parents are here! Can we go see them? I love your dad. He's always saying the most interesting things! Please?" I was shocked at what I just witnessed. Charli was acting differently. The Charli I know is calm, cool, and collected all the time. She never begs, and she always keeps her walls up. 

Jet just smirks, says a quick sure, and pulls Charli into a kiss to stop her ramblings. I was expecting a small peck or something, but Charli moaned deeply into it, and I saw Jet's demeanor change, similarly to what happened during our kiss. Instead of short and sweet, the kiss became fierce and passionate.

I watched in interest while they groped at each other for a few minutes. Charli's hands move from Jet's back to her hips and up to her boobs. Jet gasped a bit and squeezed Charli's butt while running her other hand along her jaw. When the kiss separated and Jet moved to kiss along Char's jaw and ear is when I started feeling warm, I knew I needed to break them apart because I really didn't want to watch them fuck right before we meet Jet's parents. Even if that sounded hot as hell and I would watch every second of it with great attention. I swear, I am not always a perve, just when I see something that I like. 

I didn't know how to break them apart though, so I went into the bathroom all dorms had and poured a handful of cold water into my hands before running back to them and throwing it on them. I laughed a second before it caught up to me what I did.

Jet swung around and glared before sighing and asking quietly, "What the fuck was that?"

Charli could only frown a bit due to the sexy hand wrapped lightly around her neck. But the water dripping down her skin looked very entrancing as it dripped down her cheek and jaw, down her skin before disappearing against Jet's hand. 

I shrugged and said, "I thought that the two of you needed to cool off for a second."

Jet marched up to me after letting Charli go and might I just say, I was starting to like her angry face way too much. She stopped, leaving a few feet between us before heaving a sigh again and seemed to rethink her actions. While that was going down, I walked back to the bathroom to turn off the water that was still running and came back, saying, "I didn't want to waste any more water."

That may have been Jet's last straw, she looked up from her previous position and growled lightly. She slapped her own forehead and walked over to her bed, flopping down face first. I looked at Charli confused, but she just shrugged. So I did the only thing to do and walk over to the moody vampire, tapping on her shoulder and ended up being pulled down on the bed as well. 

Jet growled and pushed me up underneath her. Now that I was boxed in and couldn't move, she kissed me gently. This took me by surprise, because the look she was giving me said 'back off before I kill you slowly after a few days of torture' previously.

When she broke the kiss, her head rested against mine. Charli came over slowly and broke the moment by saying, "Wow. We added a brat to our already complicated mix. Get ready for a life of fun."

I giggled while looking at her large smile. Jet only hugged me and mumbled, "You'll love my parents, Love. Charli thought that they would be horrible before meeting them, but now she loves my father more than she loves me. My mother accepted her into my life easily, so you will be equally as loved!"

I nodded before pulling Charli into our hug and pecked her cheek. If my girlfriend had faith in us, I might as well try and have hope for this meeting. Whether or not they find out who my family is, they might still love me. 

"Can we go in a few minutes? I want to hug you guys a bit more," I asked while cuddling closer to the vampire. The cool vampire and the warm elemental hybrid on either side balanced the temperature in the room. 

Charli smiled, and Jet just snuggled into my neck, relaxing into our tight hug. I hope it will always be like this. 

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