6 - Little Did I Know

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Bennet POV

I was lost in thought for so long that the bell had rung already.

I couldn't get over the fact that I find someone other than Jet, my mate, my one true love for eternity, attractive. Sure, I haven't cheated or acted in any way against Jet, but my thoughts had betrayed me.

Our project was far from my mind at the time. I had also forgotten that Jet was going to walk me back to my dorm. So, I may have freaked out when Jet waltzed through the door just as everyone was standing up to leave.

Charli was watching as she approached us, and I watched as a strange emotion passed over her face. That was the first time her RBF fell. She looked so much nicer without the slight scowl, and her eyes seemed lighter and happier.

Jet walked up to us and grinned. "So, Bennet, I see you've met Charli here? Do you guys get along?"

I tried to smile back at her, but my mind was still racing. I had thought about another in a way only Jet was meant to be thought of.

"Oh, yeah, totally. We had a lovely conversation about when we were going to meet up for a project. End of conversation." Charli spoke up for the second time today.

"That's good that my girls at least had a conversation. But, I must say, you really need to open up. After all, we all have a lifetime to live with each other." Jet spoke riddles again. It sounded like Charli and her were are thing as well? Are we supposed to get along?

"Mhm, as soon as she walked in, I felt the pull. I was wondering if you had already met her. I didn't want to say anything that could have hurt your relationship, so I decided to wait and see if you would come visit or not." Both their voices were driving me crazy. One was smooth and silky while the other was chilly and rough.

The room temperature was cool again, and I could see Headmistress Flex getting sluggish. I realized that, as she was part snake, she hibernates during the cooler parts of the year.

"Um, guys? Could we maybe, I don't know, go back to my dorm?" I nodded in Mrs. Flex's direction, and Charli blushed. She nodded quickly and pulled her bag over her shoulder.

"Sorry, Headmistress, I forgot what my voice did to you." Well, that could be taken very sexually. I think Charli realized that too because she quickly looked at Jet with an apologetic look.

They both missed the eyebrow raise and small-smile from the Headmistress before she responded, "That'ss quite alright. Have a nice resst of your day ladiess!"

She sat back in her chair and closed her eyes while we walked out.

I had a few questions that needed to be answered, but I wanted to see if Jet was going to say anything.

We walked in silence until my room, and then the fun began.

I walked over to my bad and lay down while still keeping an eye on both the girls in my room. Charli was standing in a corner, looking out the window, watching it rain. Jet was less disciplined and looked like a puppy in Petsmart. She kept picking up my stuff and sniffing my clothes. I had to clear my throat to get her attention. Is she sure she isn't a werewolf? Do vampires like sniffing their mates' stuff?

"So what is going on exactly? Who am I to both of you, and who are the two of you to each other?" I had to figure out what was going on, and this seemed like a good question to ask.

Jet bowed her head and sighed. "I promise I was going to introduce you two and tell each of you about each other. But, I know it was wrong to keep you two apart. Bennet, I'm your vampire. I'm your mate. Charli here also holds a part of my soul. That makes her your mate as well. Soon enough, you will have her mark as well as mine. I understand if you don't want to talk to me or go on that date, but don't be mad at Charli. She didn't do anything."

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