9 - Love

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Jet's POV

Bennet, Charli, and I walked down the winding halls of the castle before ending at a large oak door that was beautifully crafted. There were large animal carvings along with curving patterns and flowers lining the entire frame. Some of the accents had been burnt into the smooth stained wood.

On the way here, I had to fight the urge to kiss both my mates several times for different reasons. Bennet had joked about some stupid castle legend that made her sound so cute and adorable. While Charli nodded along and looked so interested in what she was talking about that I had to force my feet forward. I don't think either of them knew that it was times like these that I wanted to have them alone for a few hours, well, maybe a few days. They made it so easy to like them, even if we hadn't known Ben long. The past day had been a rollercoaster of emotions. Bennet was one of a kind, and I often forget that she was not raised as a supernatural creature and was just a human. A gorgeous human who loved being annoying but so loveable. I almost succumbed to my bad mood this afternoon, but luckily, I avoided doing anything rash. 

There's been an uptick in Hunter activity in the northern region of my territory. I run a larger clan of multiple different supernatural races in a 200 mile radius around the school, which had been started by my elder sister before a Hunter murdered her at a previous camp 3 years ago, my freshman year of school. Soon afterward, my career had been handed to me due to my parents' full-time jobs and no other family willing to take the clan of misfits. Usually the lone wolves, rejected mates, and lesser known mythical beings join my clan because of the location in the mountains and the belief that I, a 20 year old vampire, can't lead a few hundred creatures and provide for them. In these 3 years, I have proved to them that I can, and I will. When I met Charli sophomore year, that didn't change, and never will. She has accepted her title as my right-hand woman, and we manage the clan fairly. A few werewolves and vampires have recently joined due to the Hunters raiding their camps, and the few who survive need a safe haven. 

Due to this extra load of people, the previous residential areas I own have been needing renovations and expansions. The two main ones are built like communities, several multistory apartment buildings and a few townhomes and family houses scattered around a large property right off the coast of a lake, where the mer-people live in the kelp farms and caves. A few of these properties exist in the north, south, and west of the school. I may need to add one closer, though. So this added stress, on top of finding a new mate and hunter attacks has been keeping me on edge. 

I should apologize to Ben and tell her what's going on. She's human and doesn't know about the Hunters existence, though. How do I go about telling her without frightening her too much?

Bennet sighed before asking shyly, "So should we knock, or...?"

The door went flying open, and we were all ushered in. I couldn't help but chuckle at my love's expression. She looked so shocked. 

I'll have to figure out a good way to clue her in later in the week when she has more time to adjust.

My father stood by the large window, looking out into the darkness. I can't believe the day was almost over. It has only been a day and a half since I met Bennet. It honestly felt like a lifetime already.

Father's dark beard was well trimmed, and his bald head looked as shiny as ever. His black suit was threaded with red and gold patterns on the lower sleeves. His shirt was tucked in, and his boots were shined. He kept his head high as he came towards us. I had to look down at him because of his 5'2 "stature, but I could feel his powerful vampire aura radiate from him in waves.

If I was any other vamp, I would be on my knees or bowing my head, but instead, I grinned and gave him a large hug. After a few seconds, my mom cleared her throat and grinned at me.

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