4 - Chasing a Vampire

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Bennet POV

I jogged down the hall, knowing that I would easily get lost in these halls if I wasn't following the vampire. I don't know how I knew she came this way, but I felt like she was just up ahead.

Who would have guessed that I would be chasing a vampire through a castle on my first day of college? To be honest, I hadn't thought about my mission since seeing the black haired vamp or her tattoo.

The shadows in the hall grew longer and darker. They seemed to suck the light out of the world. I was starting to get worried that my mate wasn't down this hall when I came across a mahogany door where a light was shining dimly from under the door. I could see movement just begind the door because of the shadow moving within. I swallowed the lump in my throat before knocking.

It creaked open before revealing the vampire seated in a room full of books. It looked like a study of some sort. There was a large window along one wall, and the shelves took up all the open wall space. A glass desk took up a small space in the corner of the room with a small lamp sitting on top.

The vampire was looking through a book with her back turned to me. I studied her for a moment before jumping back to reality. She had to know I was just standing there, staring.

"Hello again, young one. I guess proper introductions are in order, hm?" Her voice sounded as silky as it did the first time she spoke to me.

I nodded even though she couldn't see me, then blushed because I couldn't speak. My voice was gone for the time being. What happened to the little human who chased a vampire halfway across the school?

She turned slowly, closing her book gently, and said, "Cat got your tongue? Well, my name is Jet Sterling. I suppose that you should know that, love."

I blushed and looked at my feet. Her name was Jet. It was a nice name, I haven't heard of many people named Jet before. It fit her; her hair, her outgoing-ness, and her vibe. There was definitely a "I was raised higher than thou" demeanor, but it could just be because she was a vampire. They tended to be a little more proud of themselves. I met one once that had a stick so far up his ass that I'm surprised he didn't choke on it.

Shaking those thoughts out of my head, I realized I hadn't answered or said a single word since entering the room.

I opened my mouth to speak, but she swung her hair over her shoulder so fluidly that I was, once again, speechless. Simp.

Jet laughed, and I fell in love with her voice once again. Double Simp, you are soooo dead. "You can speak, babe. I'm not going to bite you. Yet."

Oh my gosh. Why. Just why.

I wanted to die from embarrassment, but she needed to know my name so that she could put it on my grave. Nah, 'the Chick-Who-May-Not-Be-Named' sounds pretty good to me.

"Um, nice, uh, to meet you again, Jet. I'm, uh... hold on." How do you forget your own name? Well, I just did it. I think it starts with a B. Wait, isn't it Bren-, Bu-, Ben, or something? "So, I totally did not just forget my name -" Nervous laugher, enter stage right."- which is Bennet. And I know that you won't bite yet."

I blushed even more after hearing myself say all of that. Why do I have to be so embarrassed? At least she giggled at me. It was cute!

"Nice to meet you, mate! Now I'm sure you must have some questions for me, unless you asked Jamie, of course." She placed her book on the desk and took a few slow steps towards me. That was definitely a little aggressive, I'm deeming it jealousy. Whoops, I've already gone and messed up.

I stayed very still and thought for a moment.

"What exactly does my marking mean? Like, does it symbolize anything other than us being mates and you being powerful?"

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