3 - Classes and Creatures

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Bennet POV

When we walked into our dorm, I noticed the elephant in the room. Well, actually, the wolf.

A huge furry animal the size of a small couch lying on one of the beds with its head in between its paws. I felt Jessi stiffen next to me as Ash gripped my arm tighter.

So now I need to be brave and just walk in. I mean, it's normal to have a wolf as a roommate, right? Notice the sarcasm, please. If I had not been prepped by the Association, my trian of thoughts would have been this:

I looked around and realized there was no way that the wolf could have decorated the room. There were posters on the wall as well as photos. Books were spread across the bed and floor. There were pill bottles, along with water bottles, set up on the side table

Do wolves take pills? Can they open water bottles? Can they read? Do I even want to know the answer to any of these questions? Maybe our roommate decided to bring their pet to college.

With my knowledge that this was a werewolf, I decided that it was relatively safe to enter the room, as the wolf has made no threatening movements. I walked to the bed closest to the wolf and flopped down, escaping Ash and Jessi's grip.

They must be terrified. Normal humans know nothing about the supernatural unless their parents or the internet teaches them, and even then, the thoughts are diluted by idiots.

When I flopped down on the bed next to the wolf, it swung a dull blue eye towards me, and I heard a low rumble from its chest. Its fur was a light grey color with black specks dotting its back and legs. One of its eyes had a black splotch covering it.

Honestly, it was pretty cute. Wolfie over there just stared at me for the next few moments while my friends just chilled awkwardly by the door, deciding whether or not to run. I opened my mouth, ready to speak, but Ash beat me to it with a gasp.

The wolf glanced at her and froze. I watched in amazement as the wolf sniffed the air and stared into Ash's soul. I had never seen a werewolf meet their mate before. It was interesting to see the slight wag of its tail and twitch of its nose. Wolfie tensed up a bit, unconsciously making themself a little taller.

Jessi was holding her sisters hand and arm with white knuckles.

I broke the building tension by asking, "So what's your name, Wolfie?"

Its ear flicked at me, and I lay there for a few seconds before it started. The it I speak of is the change. All wolves have to transition from human to wolf and back again, but it's painful. Super painful.

We heard a few pops and cracks come from the wolf as it stared me down again. Almost daring me to do something, but I just smiled and slowly waved back.

The animal twitched in pain and clenched its jaw. We could only watch in horror as the wolf shrunk and became human looking. Its hair receded, and the K-9's shrunk slightly while its legs and jaw moved into unnatural positions. At this point, I could tell the wolf was turning into a girl, but the popping noises from the bones were unnerving, and the small whines of pain pierced my heart. Hair grew on her head until a naked girl with black hair was lying in the wolf's place.

While panting, she tried shooting up, but only managed to flop back on her back with her arms splayed out while saying in a breathless yet excited tone, "Surprise roomies! I'm Jamie!"

Ash caught Jessi when she fainted. I watched this Jamie girl get changed into a black hoodie and loose sweats. She was cute in the same way the wolf was. They both had puppy energy surrounding them.

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