dick and rachel [0.12]

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"Help!" Y/n yells

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"Help!" Y/n yells.
Dick looks up seeing a girl crawling holding her stomach. Rachel turns around. "Who's That?" Rachel asks. "Help me! Please!" Y/n yells and stops it hurts too much to move. Rachel runs to y/n. "Rachel! Wait!" Dick says and everyone else follows as well. Y/n turned to face the sky. And start choking from blood. rachel runs to her side while the others catch up. "Its okay, you're okay." Rachel says and Rachel grabs Y/n's hand. Y/n had took her last breathe and laid lifeless. "What happened?" Gar asks. "Who is she?" Hank asks. The wounds and blood on y/n's body go away and y/n sits up grabbing her throat grasping for air. She catches her breathe and looks around her. "thank you." y/n says to the blue haired girl. "who are you?" Dick asks.


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